Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 7)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004 
(GCPs). When no GCPs (and no inertial system telemetry) are 
available, users cannot recover the exterior orientation of the 
sensor and therefore unable to perform various mapping and data 
collection operations. 
With the introduction of generalized sensor models, this 
situation has changed considerably. Generalized sensor models, 
particularly the RFM (Hu et al., 2004), have alleviated the 
requirement to obtain a physical sensor model, and with it, the 
requirement for a comprehensive understanding of the physical 
model parameters. Furthermore, as the RFM sensor model 
implicitly provides the interior and exterior sensor orientation, 
the availability of GCPs is no longer a mandatory requirement. 
Consequently, the use of the RFM for photogrammetric 
mapping is becoming a new standard in high-resolution satellite 
imagery that has already been implemented in various high- 
resolution sensors, such as Ikonos™ and QuickBird™. This has 
led to various research efforts that have primarily focused on 
the approximating accuracy (Tao and Hu, 2001), stereo 
intersection (Tao and Hu, 2002), correction of biases in the 
RFM parameters (Hu and Tao, 2002; Fraser and Hanley, 2003), 
block adjustment (Grodecki and Dial, 2003), and 2D/3D 
mapping applications (Croitoru et al., 2004). 
Inspired by the advantages of the RFM and its capability to 
provide an open approach to photogrammetric exploitation of 
the commercial HRSI, the purpose of this paper is to explore 
how the RFM could be further utilized for extraction of 3D 
models. In particular, we are interested in the user's point of 
view and in demonstrating how RFM information, together with 
auxiliary data such as DEM, could provide an efficient, fast and 
economical solution that can be handled by non-expert users. 
2.1 The Rational Function Model 
The RFM sensor model describes the geometric relationship 
between the object space and image space. It relates object 
point coordinates (X, Y, Z) to image pixel coordinates (/, s) or 
vice versa using 78 rational polynomial coefficients (RPCs) that 
allow users to perform photogrammetric processing in the 
absence of the rigorous physical sensor model. For the ground- 
to-image transformation, the defined ratios of polynomials have 
the forward form (NIMA, 2000): 
: P» (X, à Y. , z ) | 
Ps ( X, , Y , Z, ) 
Ss = 
, POLL LY, Li) 
es MA Z,) 
= (1) 
where (/, s,) are the normalized row (line) and column 
(sample) index of pixels in image space; X,, Y,, and Z, are 
normalized coordinate values of object points in ground space; 
and p;...p, are a set of rational polynomials with coefficients 
dj Dj Cj, d;, respectively (also called rational function 
coefficients (RFCs)). Each polynomial in Eq. 1 is of twenty- 
term cubic form. Although several versions of different 
permutations of the polynomial terms occur in the literature, the 
order defined in NIMA (2000) has been adopted by Space 
Imaging and Digital Globe, and thus has become the industry 
standard. These RFCs can be solved by terrain-independent 
scenario using known physical sensor models or by terrain- 
dependent scenario without using physical sensor models (Tao 
and Hu, 2001). 
2.2 RFM Refinement 
The RPCs provided by the vendors could be refined in image 
space or in object (ground) space, when additional control 
information becomes available. The RFM may be refined 
directly or indirectly (Hu et al., 2004). For example, the Ikonos 
Geo products and Standard stereo products will be improved to 
sub-meter absolute positioning accuracy using one or more high 
quality GCPs (Grodecki and Dial, 2003; Fraser et al, 2003; Tao 
and Hu, 2004) or be close to the accuracy of the GCPs whose 
quality is low (Hu and Tao, 2002; Tao et al. 2003). It should be 
noted that from the user's point of view, the availability of 
RFM refining methods is likely to promote the use of low cost 
imaging products (with a lower processing level) for various 
The refinement of the forward RFM can be accomplished by 
appending a simple complementary transformation in image 
space at the right-hand side of Eq. 1 in order to eliminate 
various error sources. The use of first-order polynomials to 
eliminate the image shift and drift errors as given in Eq. 2 
defines an adjustable RFM model (Grodecki and Dial, 2003). 
Al-l'-I7agtarltas (2) 
In Eq. 2, (A4 As) express the discrepancies between the 
measured line and sample coordinates (/', s’) and the RFM 
projected coordinates (/, s) of a GCP or tie point; the 
coefficients ap, ay, as, by, bj, b, are the adjustment parameters for 
each image. For narrow field-of-view CCD instruments with a 
priori orientation data, these physical effects mainly behave like 
a same net effect of displacements in line and sample directions 
in image plane in total. Hence, for short images the error 
sources can be modeled by a simple translation in image space, 
and the above model becomes simply A/ = ay and As = by. 
2.3 Single Image 3D Metrology 
Using the refined RFCs it is possible to retrieve the 3D 
coordinates of points with only a single image. This is done by 
utilizing a dynamic measurement mode. By utilizing a DEM, it 
is possible to extract, for example, the 3D location of a roof 
point with user's cursor. Many techniques have been developed 
to facilitate the measurement entire process from the single 
image. A similar approach to the 3D point extraction could be 
taken by utilizing shadow information. The sun altitude and 
azimuth can be retrieved either from the image time or the 
image metadata. 
This approach is particularly suitable for the extraction of 
building heights. However, this approach may be inapplicable 
in some cases due to occluded shadows, visible shadows that 
are projected on other objects. This approach also assumes the 
availability of a DEM. Although a high resolution accurate 
DEM will ensure the most accurate results, it is sufficient to use 
an approximation of the DEM or even the average relief height 
in some applications, such as relative building height 
estimation. In these cases rough estimation of the relief height 
may suffice due to the ratio between the building heights and 
the range between the building and a satellite sensor. 
2.4 Stereo based 3D Metrology 
When the RPCs are provided by imagery vendors or are refined 
using GCPs, 3-D feature extraction is possible since the RFM 
provides the necessary interior and exterior orientation 

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