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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXX V, Part B7. Istanbul 2004
additional information from a GPS (Global Positioning System)
and IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit) device are recorded at a
very high temporal resolution, providing information about the
exact position and orientation of the sensor at the time of
acquisition. This so-called direct georeferencing is crucial, as
due to the dynamic acquisition principle and due to
unsteadiness of the airplane movement each scanline has its
individual exterior orientation and a conventional orientation
procedure would not be able to deliver the required accuracy.
The typical process of this direct georeferencing is described in
Fricker (2001). Next, after automatic tie-point measurement
triangulation can be applied. It is recommended to use some
GCPs at least at the block corners, but as shown in the excellent
results from Scholten and Gwinner (2003) it is not obligatory,
since the collected orientation data from the GPS and IMU unit
seem to be sufficient.
Once the images are accurately oriented (multi-image)
matching algorithms can be applied for deriving a DSM.
Finally, the images and the DSM can be used to create an
orthophoto of the scene, which will also be used as input for the
building extraction algorithm.
At the DLR (German Space Agency) the processing chain for
handling airborne three-line scanner imagery has been
automated to such a degree, that human interaction is only
needed at the data acquisition step (Scholten and Gwinner,
2003). Once the data is downloaded onto the computers the
whole process from image correction and rectification, to
orientation and triangulation, and to the DSM and orthophoto
production can be done fully automatically.
4.2 Building Recognition
The most important input for the creation of a Digital City
Model is the DSM. But as mentioned previously, the resolution
and accuracy if derived from spaceborne or airborne line
scanning imagery is rather low (compared to Lidar-DSMs).
Hence the images or orthophotos if available, will be used to
proceed to building extraction.
The first step is to create a so-called normalized Digital Surface
Model (nDSM), which is the difference-model between the
DSM and the DTM. Hence all objects in the nDSM stand on
elevation height zero.
There are multiple approaches for getting the nDSM. An
approved method is to filter the existing DSM-data by applying
a skewed error distribution (Kraus, 2000). This procedure is
fully automated and the user needs only to input the parameters
of the skewed error-distribution in order to calculate the nDSM,
in which vegetation and buildings are eliminated. Of course,
when the area of interest is highly urban and nearly no terrain
points are available in the DSM this technique might not deliver
the desired result. In such a case it is necessary to manually
digitise points on the ground and interpolate or approximate a
DTM-surface through them.
The next and maybe most critical step is to find the regions of
interest, i.c. the regions of potential candidates for buildings.
Until today, either the buildings were digitised in stereo or the
building corners were localized in the orthoimage or the user
had to tell the system where a building is.
Rottensteiner (2004) proposed to create a 'building mask’ using
a certain elevation threshold. This mask would point out areas
where objects higher than the threshold are located, and
everything below that height is considered as 'non-building!.
'Non-building' can be low vegetation, cars or other objects
positioned on the terrain surface, but not being high enough to
be treated as building candidates. Unfortunately, it is not
seldom that vegetation, especially trees or even forests, have
the same height as buildings do.
Figure 2 shows such a typical case. One can easily recognize
that the dense trees to the left are at least as high as the
buildings. In such a case simple thresholding would not make it
possible to distinguish between objects of interest (buildings)
and vegetation.
Figure 2. Image and DSM subset from the HRSC-Bern data set
The algorithm proposed for finding regions with potential
buildings is the following:
Set a certain elevation threshold of minimal building-
height according to the current scene, then
- mark the potential candidate-regions of the nDSM in
the image and
— apply a check for homogeneity in the image to refine
the candidate selection.
This makes sense, since most of the times building-roofs are
very homogeneous e.g. one colour, or one regular pattern of
tiles, in comparison to treetops or other vegetation. To use the
first derivative of the nDSM as a homogeneity parameter (a
very popular method) is not recommended, because the derived
nDSMs from high-resolution line scanning systems are much
too coarse.
4.3 Building Extraction
Once the regions of building candidates are found, one has to
extract the shape of the building. The coarseness of the nDSMs
does not allow the determination of the roof shape. Even more,
it is not even possible to get the building corners from these
nDSMs. Therefore additional information is taken from the
orthophotos. Since they provide higher geometric quality, they
will be used to obtain the location of corners and hence the
shape of the buildings.
For the segmentation in intensity images four approaches are
common, namely threshold techniques, boundary-based
methods, region-based methods, and hybrid techniques which
combine the latter two (Adams and Bischof, 1994).
The proposed algorithm for building extraction is an ‘adaptive’
region-based method. The growing process of a certain region
depends on the assigned threshold. If the difference between the
value of the starting point (seed) and the value of examined
neighbouring, adjacent pixels is equal or smaller than the given
threshold, the neighbouring pixels will be aggregated into the
region. The whole procedure is described in the following
I. Inside the potential building area called seed region
(Figure 3a) start with the region growing process and