Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 7)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004 
history of the elements, and the expected cloud cover situation 
for them. Different formulas for computation of the weight 
factor can be specified. If Cloud Avoidance Scheduling is 
enabled, then target elements with predicted cloud cover are not 
taken into account. 
The scheduler starts with the selection of the strip with the 
highest priority that does not violate the imaging constraints. 
Subsequently strips with the next highest priority are selected, 
etc. Note that during the selection process the imaging 
constraints are becoming stricter due to the increasing amount 
of time needed for imaging and slewing to already selected 
strips. Although this procedure does not necessarily result in the 
most optimal selection, it leads to a rather efficient task list. 
Especially the adoption of a fixed strip length is not optimal. 
However the simulator can easily be extended with alternative 
scheduling algorithms due to its modular architecture. 
The capturing of a target element is recorded to be successful if 
the element appears to be not cloud covered at the acquisition 
moment. Of each element, the co-ordinates, the imaging times 
and the imaging results are stored in the observation results 
In figure-3 an overview of the graphical user interface of the 
CLIMAS simulator is shown. 
{ Image information 
+ GeollFF ft dui ne 3m, lation Browse | Lat (deg) 
TARGET XML: f Upper lei: 15 
Lower aght: i41 
| c Missions | 
i Dimensions (455 852 
w Use cloud coves 
tage Resolution: 130 20 km 
Cloud de jE 
Î Satelite file: [Satelite Piisence3455. Browse | 
Maximum cloud percentage | 90 % e 
Browse | 
i Fist orbit {1 
£V Use cloud coverage when scheduling 
fis Last orbit. [100 
For schaduing: take clouds [0 bout: ago disi 
* Maximal lime difference scheduling Taurer [30 km 
Alfares: 12.0 km 
Miranum [7 day: uo Tue Feb 01 10 30 13 19341 
i Maxmal number of tecordings 
i # saps: (10 
i Mavimun f21 day 
í Sobt [5 Hae [2 
Output le; [X Browser 
Mininum solar elevation. (10 deg 
| Next | Abort | 
Iv. Pause between orbits o i i 
Figure-3: Overview of the CLIMAS GUI 
Simulations have been made for several satellite configurations 
with varying number of platforms and sensor parameters. First 
the simulation of a defined ‘standard’ satellite configuration is 
discussed, after which the effects of variations of several of the 
parameters are described. 
The features of the standard satellite configuration are described 
in table-1. In general this configuration consists of 4 high 
resolution optical satellites as currently operational. The area 
for which the simulations are made covers 3400x2150km of the 
European continent. The simulation is run on a grid of 2x3km 
elements (1700x750=1.275.000 pixels). 
First an ideal situation is simulated in which no constraints due 
to cloud coverage or minimum sun elevation are taken into 
account. A scheduling strategy is applied for monitoring of the 
network with a frequency of 14 days. This is filled in by 
weighting the pipeline elements with factor 0 to 7, depending 
on the number of days since the last observation (minus 7 days 
and with a maximum of 14 days). 
Table-1: Used ‘standard’ satellite constellation parameters 
Parameter Value 
Nr satellites 4 
Altitude 500 km 
Inclination 97.3785 degrees 
Orbits/day 15.225 
Ascending node crossing time 94013 12:23:00.0 (sat 1) 
Ascending node crossing longitude 0.0 (sat 1) 
Track direction descending 
Max pointing angle along track 33 degrees 
Max pointing angle across track 33 degrees 
Slew speed 2.0 degrees/sec 
Stabilization time 2.0 sec 
Nr of sub-strips 10 
Monitoring frequency: 14 days 14 days 
Tasking parameters LSETmin, LSETmax 7,14 
Observation strategy max monitoring days 
FOV: 10km 1.4 degrees (10km) 
Atmosphere conditions: 
Cloud period 1994/1995 
Use of cloud information for scheduling yes 
Cloud info time delay 0 hours 
Use of cloud information for collection yes 
Sunlight elevation constraint > 15 degrees | 
The simulation resulted in the observation of 932.209 network 
elements, or 36.3 times the network. The total area of all these 
network element observations is 9.7% of the maximal system 
observation capacity. This means that the inefficiency due to the 
line structure of the network is more than 90%. 
In a next step the constraints of sun elevation and clouds are 
introduced. The results of the simulations are shown in table-2. 
Table-2: Simulation results for basic cases 
observations total | observ. 7-14 days | monitoring days 
number times| number times number % full 
case elements network} elements network monit. 
No clouds, sun>0 932.209 36.3] 607.521 23.7% 5.346.013" 57.0% 
No clouds, sun>15 911.206 35.5] 589.409 22.9]. 5.183.592. 55.3% 
Clouds, sun>15 582.860 22,7) 274.909 10,7| 2.717.495 29.0% 
For describing the effectiveness of the observation system 
several parameters have been defined, as shown in table-2. First 
one can look at the total number of observed elements. This 
number is shown in the first column, with next to it the times 
the network can be covered by this number of elements. Not all 
observations are relevant however, for the required two weekly 
monitoring frequency only the observations taken after 7 to 14 
days after the last observation of the element are taken into 
account. The number of these relevant observations is listed in 
the second column, also accompanied with the times the 
network can be covered by this. A factor of 26 times the 
network covered by relevant observations does not mean that 
10096. monitoring takes place however, because many of the 
observations does not take place after 14 days, but after a 
shorter period of up to 7 days. Therefor a third parameter is 
defined: the number of monitoring days. This means the sum of 
each relevant observation multiplied by the number of days 
after the last observation of this element. In fact the last 
parameter most correctly denotes the effectiveness of the 
From the table it can be seen that about 30 — 50% of the 
observations done are not relevant, not within 7-14 days after 
the last observation. Further that the influence of the sun 
elevation constraint of 15 degrees is very limited for the total 
system effectiveness. It locally may have large impacts however 
for the northern regions. The influence of the cloud conditions 
above Europe is significant, as may be expected. The 
monitoring capacity is reduced from 55.3 to 29.0%. In general 
this means that with the defined constellation of 4 high 

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