Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 7)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004 
The Royal Palace of Venaria has been declared a Property of 
Humanity by U.N.E.S.C.O. 
It was built by Castellamonte in the late 17" century and it 
consisted of a village, royal palace and gardens and extended 
for an axis of 2 km. The building works were then assigned to 
the architect Juvarra in the early 18” century. 
Figure 4. Royal residence in Venaria (Turin) 
2.1.1 Dem And Reference Map 
A Spot5 panchromatic oversampled image has been considered. 
The main features of this image are shown in table 1. 
Spot 5 
Date (dd mmm vyyy) 01 Oct 2002 
Pan Resolution (m) 2.5 (supermode) 
XS Resolution (m) 10.0 
Level IB 
Table 1 — Remotely sensed images available of the test site 
The Digital Elevation Model of the Piedmont Region was used 
during process. This model is characterized by a 50m x 50m 
grid and a vertical accuracy of + 2.5m. 
According to the expected scale mapping (which mainly 
depends on the geometric resolution of the images) the vector 
1:10000 scale Technical Regional Map (CTR) has been used as 
212 Accuracy Tests 
In order to proceed with a correct updating test, we paid 
attention to the accuracy of the positioning (planimetric) 
problem. It is necessary to say a few words about such problem 
to underline that a correct geometric positioning of the objects 
is as important as the recognition of their modifications. 
A detailed statistical analysis was carried out to evaluate which 
map scale the obtained orthoimage is suitable for, taking into 
consideration the map tolerances (in Italy the usually accepted 
value is of 0.2 mm at the map scale and the tolerance is 
interpreted as two times this value). This means that a 1:10000 
map has a 4 m tolerance and a 1:5000 map has a 2 m tolerance. 
Residuals can been considered as statistical variables (one for 
each test) and some their statistical features can calculated. 
Table 2 shown such values both for the RFM and MLP 
approach applied to the SPOTS image. 
Method GCPs | CHKs mean mean CHK GCP 
CHK CHK | (pixel) | (pixel) 
RFM 50 5 -0.02 -0.09 2.09 1.01 
MLP NN 50 5 -2.04 0.02 2.96 1.38 
Table 2 — Accuracy tests results obtained with the RFM and 
MLP NN self-developed orthoprojection routines on the SPOTS 
Fitting statistical tests have also to be made on each residuals 
distribution in order to understand whether it would fit a normal 
statistical distribution or whether it is affected by systematic or 
raw errors. In particular, the y^ test was performed. The 
residuals successfully passed this test. 
Considering RMSE values it is possible to say that Spot5 
orthoimages, obtained with well trained generic methods, are 
geometrically suitable for a 1:10000 scale map updating. 
2.1.3 Map Updating 
A geometric answer gives indications on the scale of the map. 
But what about the image contents? Are particulars that are 
really changed distinguishable? Can they be correctly digitised? 
How can building relief displacement limit the graphical 
It is the authors opinion that visual interpretation of 
orthoprojected images can effectively be used for planimetric 
updating of any available cartography (depending on the map 
The simple adopted process is based on an accurate visual 
comparison between the reference cartography and the 
orthoprojected image; cartography overlapping onto the 
orthoimage is a simple and useful tool to proceed with the 
digitisation of the elements that are not present or changed. 
The following three figures show the area of the Venaria Reale 
Gardens that is at the moment being restored: in this example 
the new positions and shapes of the gardens have been updated 
on the Regional Technical Map (1:10000) 
The same example can also be used to demonstrate how the past 
territorial management damaged an important cultural site, 
permitting sports and factory buildings to be built in the 
immediate surroundings of the palace. A satellite orthoimage 
can therefore be considered an economic evaluating tool in the 
hands of administrative bodies. 
Figure 5. Spot 5 image (2.5m) of the Venaria Reale area 

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