Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 7)

A. Kocal", H. S. Duzgun?, C. Karpuz? 
* METU, Mining Engineering Department, Inonu Bulvari 06531 Ankara Turkey, arman@metu.edu.tr , karpuz@metu.edu.tr 
? METU, Geodetic and Geographic Information Technologies, Inonu Bulvari 06531 Ankara, Turkey, duzgun@metu.edu.tr 
KEY WORDS: Remote Sensing, Discontinuity Mapping, IKONOS, High-resolution Imagery 
In this study, automatic lineament analysis is performed by using high resolution satellite imagery for identification of rock 
discontinuities. A case study area is selected as an Andesite mine area in Gólbagi, Ankara, Turkey. For the high resolution data 8-bit 
Ikonos Precision Plus with 1 meter resolution orthorectified image is used. The image data contain three bands as blue, green, red as 
band 1, band 2 and band 3, respectively. Then an additional band (fourth band) for the image is assigned by obtaining the average of 
the three bands. The automatic lineament extraction process is carried out with LINE module of PCI Geomatica v8.2. In order to 
determine the most accurate parameters of LINE, an accuracy assessment is carried out. To be the reference of the output, manual 
lineament extraction with directional filtering in four principal directions (N-S, E-W, NE-SW, NW-SE) is found to be the most 
suitable method. For the comparison of automatic lineament extraction and manual lineament extraction processes, total length and 
number of lineaments and directional analyses are carried out by constructing the rose diagrams. Besides these, field studies and 
: previous studies carried out in the study area are also taken into consideration. After the accuracy assesssment, final parameters of 
automatically extracted lineaments are determined. The lineament map produced in this study is found to be a very efficient in 
mapping the discontinuities for mining applications in terms of cost and time effectiveness. 
1. INTRODUCTION panchromatic data and color content of 4 meter multi-band data. 
> The RGB image of the area is given in Figure 1. 
^ In mining engineering, determination of discontinuities plays an 
important role both in design and development stages, which The study area covers approximately 15 km? with coordinates 
requires systematic field studies to update the mining plans for of 488235 E 4405642 N for the northwest corner and 492338 E 
i future. It is obvious that these field studies are time and money 4401956 N for the southeast corner. 
T consuming operations. Therefore it is important to minimize the 
cost and maximize the incomes and also to take into account the It is located 7 km to the east of Golbasi, Ankara, Turkey. There 
time spent for the field studies. are plenty of working and abondoned andesite mines in the 
k region. The location map of the study area is given in Figure 2. 
. The term lineament is any linear features that can be picked out 
as lines (appearing as such or evident because of contrasts in 
n terrain or ground cover on either side) in aerial or space imagery 
4 (NASA Remote Sensing Tutorial web page). In geological point 
of view, the lineaments are usually faults, joints, or boundaries 
between stratigraphic formations. Other types of lineaments 
th include roads and railroads, contrast-emphasized contacts 
between natural or man-made geographic features (e.g., fence 
lines). (NASA Remote Sensing Tutorial web page). 
el Since both Remote Sensing (RS) and Geographic Information 
A: Systems (GIS) have recently started to be used intensively in 
many earth science applications, it is believed that such a study 
al will be useful in terms of following innovative techniques used 
I. in the world for improving nominal mining industry. T his study 
er makes use of RS technology in detecting discontinuities and 
their patterns in Gólbasi andesite mines area. 
Discontinuities have important role in mining industry. In order 
to evaluate them for mine design purposes, they have to be Figure 1. RGB Image of the Study Area 
determined in large scale maps. Therefore using a high 
resolution satellite imagery for the lineament extraction is 
preferred in this study. For that reason, 8-bit Ikonos Precision 
Plus with 1 meter resolution orthorectified image of the andesite 
mine area is used. This image combines the details of 1 meter 

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