Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 7)

Ritsu KATAYAMA, Masato SHOZI, Yoshihide TOKIYA 
Department of Architecture, Chiba Institute o 
2-17-1, Tudanuma, Narashino 275-001 6C 
f Technology, 
hiba , Japan 
Session PS ThS 20- 
Key Words : Hanshin large earthquake , 
A Hanshin large earthquake which had dro 
Kobe City caused a spreading fi 
considered by verifying the analysis scal 
Nakahara Ward) but also districts and the 
As a result, to apply the remote 
whether what possibility and the 
1. Background and purpose of research 
It becomes an age when a continuous measurement and 
the watch of the city environment intended for the large 
range are necessary along with the diversification and 
extending the city environment. It is necessary to consider 
a lot of problems that the city has in doing the urban 
renéwal enough. Properties of the city environment are 
, latest 
data acquisition to Observe the transformation of the city. 
n In this research, to understand the district 
characteristic of the city in pixel distribution situation by 
the remote sensing analysis and the relation to the GIS data, 
the following research developments were done. 
2 Selection of district for investigation | 
In the selection of the district for the research, 1 capital 
and 3 prefectures (Tokyo, Saitama Prefecture, Chiba 
Prefecture, and Kanagawa Prefecture) in the 
overcrowdedness urban area which it was a lot of regions, 
and was the populous districts were in the Tokyo Bay area 
were paid to attention, Mainly the central area of Tokyo, 
the region where the development act was remarkably done, 
and the following 57 municipal districts were selected in 
that in consideration of the influence on the city to the flow 
of the change in the city environment and the population. 
Table 1. List of 57 municipal districts for research 
Urawa Yokohama 
23 districts ; s ; 
Saitara  dhiya Totuka Izumi 
Yano Sakae 
Kawaguchi Kahoku Ada Kho! 
. 13 municipal districts 
Koshigaya : 
Hatogya Kawasaki 7 districts | Urayau 
€ to not only the city level (Chiba Prefecture Urayas 
town even number fields in detail and using the TM data and the IKONOS data. 
sensing technology to the urban disaster pre I j i 
problem and the proposal exist, 
Application of Hight Resolution Data 
NDVI(Vegetation Index)and Ul(Uurban Index) 
Tokyo Bay shore district, TM and IKONOS, GIS a 
nd Remote Sensing 
statistical data had been united as a value per the unit area, 
the relations between GIS items were found by the 
correlation analysis and the factor analysis. And, the scatter 
chart of the item with a high correlation was made, and it 
Was assumed the index to understand properties of 
n between the population density and 
the green tract of land) from the position of each city on the 
Table 2. List of city environmental survey index 
I is population vs, all 
Population by 65 years odor [Death toll 
Number of those who 
fnd empbym ent 
im armfactumrs 
industrial em pbyed 
Number of the thi 

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