Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 7)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004 
Figure 6b: Results of classifications by Maximum Likelihood 
method (southern part) of the September 1989 image. 
For some soils units such; as the regosols, lithosols, 
colluvial and complex units; the multispectral 
Classification give conformal results with the 
pedological map. Otherwise, these units are well 
classified. But then, for the alluvial soils, hydromorphic, 
calcimagnesic and isohumic the classification present 
some anomalies. 
The alluvial soils staking out the hydrographic system 
are well discriminated. In revenge, they are distinctly 
overvalued with regard to the map and they confound 
with isohumic soils and zones of shades. The similarity of 
their respective spectral signatures in the visible is an 
explanation (see graph of the spectral signatures) insofar 
as the humidity rate of these soils is in the origin. The 
zones to the shade - on the time of taking images [i.e] 09h 
45 GMT- constitutes an other problem that the resulted 
soils signature, obeys to the same phenomenon that the 
one of humid soils super weak reflectance in the visible. 
It is in the P.L.R that the distinctions appear. If they are 
always imposed, then we can really assign it to a 
problem of standard deviation in the PIR bigger than the 
one of visible. 
The soils hydromorphic are absent from the 
classification as homogeneous class, but present under 
the form of pixels .scattered in the image. This is 
attributed to the methods of classification «by pixels» 
utilized, or to a real reduced spatial extension with regard 
to the spatial resolution of TM images. 
A confusion also appears between the soils isohumic and 
calcimagnesic. In the plains, the calcimagnesic soils are 
amalgamated with the isohumic soils, because of their 
content in elevated humidity, this confers to them near 
radiometric values of those isohumic soils. However, on 
the piedmonts and the glacier, the calcimagnesic soils 
confound with the regosols to reason- presumably- of the 
moisture erosion which provokes a scouring of the 
superficial horizon, giving it a lucid hue near the one thus 
regosols. It is that the named unit «complex» appears in 
the plain on the classified image. This is considered quite 
normal since the unit in question is also constituted 
partially by regosols, localized exactly in the plain. 
The so-called approach of classification of 
remote sensing data in the cartography showed that: 
= Globally, the results are powerful if we utilize the 
methods of classifications type Maximum Likelihood 
However, for the detail and of the precision of the 
classes limits, it is impossible to have a « blind» 
confidence on the results. This actually is explained by 
the heterogeneous and the complex character of the tests 
parcels, since that the soils are only rarely naked and 
=» The spectral properties of the surfaces are generally 
those of the vegetation and therefore decrease the 
interest of the classifications in pedology, except in 
the regions where the plant cover is absent or little 
abundant. A phenological study of the vegetation of 
the survey region imposes for the choice of the 
periods of the satellite images acquisition. 
l. An anomaly which is expressed either by an 
overestimate or an under estimation, like it is the 
case of the alluvial soils which is overestimated, 
whereas the soils isohumics or calcimagnesic are 
rather under estimated. 
2. Another anomaly which is expressed by absence 
of the hydromorphic soils, despite the sampling 
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International A 
from col 
pp 1-11. 
John A. 

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