id f;
e, is
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXX V, Part B7. Istanbul 2004
where x, is a referent element for Xj. All referent elements
consist to a referent variable for the variable Xj.
A in Eq. (13) corresponding to Kendall's rank correlation
coefficient can be written as.
' >
m : m (g, g,) m (x y-C,y
A= s 1e (x) = $5 SAPE = Sy ALL
2 AK / 2 b (s. e s. Xg,'g, 2 y A,B
where LS (x, y Lo, nn+1)’
MOIS dx, Sint Ba a AE TM is
n e n
pug (x; Dn * 1)
el 2
To find a numerical solution to the ordinal principal component,
a mathematical optimization model should be constructed. We
formulate the optimal problem as an integer programming (IP)
X, Xu Xi ^ Xs
XY = X, = [x WA SE Xj X3 A X, (21)
M Xie Sun. A abus,
eeu 22)
^ nd A,B
Subject to
y7[y YA, ] y, 602A ,njand y, zy, Vis j,ij l2A,n
The combination optimization problem stated above can be
solved by using a branch and bound approach (Winston, 1991)
that is a basic technique for solving integer and discrete
programming problems. The method is based on the
observation that the enumeration of integer solutions has a tree
structure. The main idea behind the branch and bound method is
to avoid growing the whole tree as much as possible, because
the entire tree is just too big in most real problems. Instead
branch and bound grows the tree in stages, and grows only the
most promising nodes at any stage. It determines which node is
the most promising one by estimating a bound on the best value
of the objective function that can be obtained by growing that
node to later stages.
In this paper, we model our integer programming problem
above as a variable-integer assignment problem. We have n
integers, 1 thought n, to assign to n variables, y; thought y,
Each variable can take exactly one integer, and all integers must
have an assigned variable. The object is to maximum the total
profit described by Eq. (22). In general, when there are n
variables and » integers there are / possible assignments. Figure
2 shows an example of structure tree for a three-variable-integer
assignment problem.
e 12.»
e 1.23
f 21
eo {12,3}
e 125
e (1.23
Fig. 2. The structure tree for the 3 variable-
integer assignment problem.
@ : Root Node = All Solutions.
o : Bud Node = Partial Assignments.
@ : Leaf Node = Complete Assignments.
me A mm ce EE : V3.
The formal branch and bound formation follows.
e Root node in the branch and bound tree: all solutions.
® Bud node: a partial assignment of integer to variable. For
example, a partial assignment {1, ?, ?} represents the
assignment of integer | to variable y,.
e Leaf node: a complete assignment of integers to variables,
¢.g., à complete assignment [1, 2, 3} represents the
assignment of integer 1 to y;, 2 to V», and 3 to ys.
* Objective function: for each leaf node, its objection
function can be computed by Eq. (22).
® Bounding function: for each bud node, we first create a
pseudo-leaf by combining the partial assignment for this
bud node and the maximum unassigned integer. For
example, for the bud node (1, ?, ?}, its pseudo-leaf node is
(1,3, 3j. Then we use the pseudo-leaf and Eq.'(22) to
compute the bounding function for the bud node.
* Bud node selection policy: global best value of the
bounding function.
e Variable selection policy: choose the next variable in the
nature order y; to yy.
Terminating rule: when the best solution objective function
value is better than or equal to the bounding function value
associated with all of the bud nodes.
4.1 Definitions of Infimum and Supremum
To extend the vector ordering approach to colour imagery, it is
necessary to define the colours as vectors. In this paper, a
colour C in RGB colour space is represented as a vector X. =
[Res Ge Be], where R,, G,, B, denote the red, green, and blue
components of the colour C, respectively. Therefore, a colour
image can be viewed as a vector field. Given a colour image C
and a pixel p in C in which the colour is X,74R,:.G,. B, Let
W bethe N — nx n window consisted of the neighbourhood
of the pixel p. All N colours in JW can be written as a (N x 3)
data matrix X including N observations and three variables, that