Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 7)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004 
8 Sheltered Consist of vertical rock walls, 
Rocky Shores | bedrock outcrops, wide rock 
platforms, and bolder strewn 
ledges. Usually found along 
sheltered bays and/or along 
the inside of bays and coves 
9 Sheltered These are composed of very 
Tidal Flats soft mud or muddy sand. They 
occur at the head of bays and 
in wetland areas. Wave 
activity is low and they may 
be exposed to moderate tidal 
10 | Marshes Comprised primarly of 
Spartina grasses on an organic 
rich mud base. Very sheltered 
from wave and tidal activity. 
Commonly found as small 
marshes found along river 
deltas or at the head of major 
3.2 BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES: - There are numerous 
animal species and plants that are potentially at risk from oil 
spills. In the ESI data basis, there are seven major biological 
elements based on major taxonomic and functional grouping. 
Following are the biological elements: 
. Birds 
° Fish 
. Habitat (plants, sub aqueous habitats e.g., coral reefs, 
wetlands etc.) 
° Invertebrates 
° Marine mammals 
. Reptiles 
. Terrestrial mammals 
3.3 HUMAN RESOURCES: - Human-used resources can be 
divided into four major components 
° High use recreational use and shore line access areas 
. Management areas 
. Resource extraction 
. Archaeological, Historical and other cultural resources 
Delta of Godavari River has traditionally been the areas 
dominant with agricultural land utilization because of their 
highly favorable geomorphic terrain, productive soil cover and 
abundant water supply. These deltas with rich alluvial soil, 
which gets enriched annually, and irrigation network of canals 
and tube wells support multiple cropping pattern providing 
relatively high crop yields. The rich agricultural economy not 
only sustains higher population (rural more than 700 persons/sq 
km) and settlement (more than 6 villages/10sq km) densities, 
but is also supporting industry based on agriculture leading to 
development including well-connected transport network. 
Although, over the years, the land use and cropping pattern has 
remained unchanged in the deltas, yet, a gradual trend of change 
in land use pattern is being noticeable in river delta and the 
reasons could be due to climatic vagaries and changing farming 
techniques and advances in biotechnology. Climatically deltas 
along the east coast of India experience monsoon rainfall of 
more than 1000 mm per annum with temperatures ranging 
between 20 to 30 C (Subramaniam and Venkata Rao, 1981). 
The deltas constitute a part of irrigated agricultural with 
predominately food-crops like paddy, sugarcane, pulses and 
horticultural like, banana and coconut. 
The area under various land use / land cover classes for the 2 
km corridor area is tabulated and is presented in Table 3. It 
may be observed that the Agricultural land (with or without 
crop together with plantation) occupies area of 216.90 sq. km., 
which is 14.84 96 of the total corridor area, wasteland (land 
with/without scrub) 7.14 sq. km (0.4996), Built upland of 51.46 
sq. km (3.52%), water bodies of 81 1.61sq. km (55.55%) of the 
corridor, wet lands 245.42 s km (17.30%)include (Mangrove, 
Saltpan/Salt flat, Mud flat/Tidal Flat and Fishing Pond), Sandy 
coastal/Riverine 115.88 sq. km (7.93%). The area estimates for 
RSI and ESI of various classes/ is tabulated separately. (Table- 
TABLE - 3 
Sl. No. | Category Area % to 
(in sq. | total 
l Built Up Land 51.46 3.52 
2 Vacant Land 12.62 0.86 
3 Crop Land 38.13 2.61 
4 Fallow Land 32.64 2.23 
5 Low Lying Cropland 139.26 9.53 
6 Coastal Plantation 6.87 0.47 
7 Mangrove 95.68 6.55 
8 Land with/without Scrub 7.14 0.49 
9 Salt Pan/Salt Flats 27.55 1.89 
10 Mud Flat/ Tidal Flats 107.91 7.39 
B Sandy (Coastal/Riverine) 115.88 7.93 
12 Fishing Pond 14.28 0.98 
13 River/Water Body 811.61 55:35 
TOTAL 1461.03 | 100 

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