International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004
Vx, —»x liminf f, (x)? f(x) (9)
3x, —»x limsup f;(x) < f(x) (10)
are fulfilled for every x € X. The I'-limit, if it exits, is unique.
The T-convergence is stable under continuous perturbations,
that is, (f;*v) F-converge to (f*v) if /; l-converge to fand v is
continuous (Aubert, G., and al, 2002). The most important
property of [-convergence is the following:
if {x.}¢is asymptotically minimizing, i.e:
li (x) - inf f.) 20
Tim (f, 5) = fn Je) (11)
and if {xen}n converge to x for some sequence £y —J 0, then x
minimizes f.
By applying the properties of Gamma-convergence, the solution
of the equation 8 is obtained by minimizing the functional Je
when & is approaching the zero value.
Jr [| ovr) + Face + [Creo — I(x)) de
: (12)
7 = im, {ar min py)
E— op
We can note that this functional is composed by three terms:
regularization term, classification term and data fidelity term.
The first term is weighted by a parameter proportional to £, and
the classification term is weighted by a parameter proportional
to 1/e. The convergence of the criterion given by equation 12 is
reached for little values of e, so that the regularization and the
classification are not achieved simultaneously. For high values
of £, the regularization is privileged, and progressively with &
decreasing, the process changes its behavior, and becomes
classification process.
The power of the regularization by ¢ functions lies in its
nonlinearity. This later criterion leads to difficulties for
optimization calculation. If ¢ is quadratic, the function to be
minimized is quadratic, therefore the minimum is single and
easy to calculate. To bring back itself to a quadratic model, the
semi quadratic theorem is used, and consists of introducing an
auxiliary variable b.
Vt,..p(t) = inflor? + v(^) (13)
ks el ) (14)
where: lim 2 UY L5. dim 90). M
[0 Df (50r, 21
w(b)- g((g'(b)-b(g'(b) and gH) = (VO
The equation 12 can be rewritten as:
Jf) [ure - Hy dx 4 e$ [lst + (Bic +
Q Q (15)
7 fm f )dx
For minimizing the sequence of functional 15, we use Euler
Lagrange equation and the minimization problem is
transformed to a problem of resolution of partial differential
equation (PDE), given by:
[re)- 109] T-'re)-er devo — a9
Where div is the divergence operator.
To validate the approach of classification suggested, we
initially tested it on a synthetic image before applying it to the
real satellite image. The synthetic image contains 4 classes
detailed in table 2.
classe Hu, o,
1 22.46 4.66
2 63.62 5.07
3 107.13 4.58
4 232.02 4.73
Table 5. Characteristics of synthetic image classes
The figure 6 illustrates the image to be classified and the figure
7 the graph of the potential W, with 4 wells. In figure 8 we can
see the localization of training areas, and in figure 9 we show
the classified image.
in W(potential)
F (gray level)
Figure 6. Original image Figure 7. The potential W