Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 7)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004 
Kang, Y., Lee, M., 1995. Precise DGPS Positioning Using Two 
GPS Receives, Journal of The Korean Society for Geo-Spatial 
Information System, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp.15-28. 
Kim, Y., Kim, H., Kim, B., 1996. Error Budget Analysis of 
Pseudorange for Improving the GPS Positioning Accuracy, 
Journal of The Korean Society for Geo-Spatial Information 
System, Vol. 4, No. 2, pp.79-90. 
Park, J., 1997. An Error Analysis of GPS Positioning in Korea, 
J. of Ind. Sci. and Tech. Institute, Chungbuk National Univ. Vol. 
11, No. 2, pp.165-172. 
Kang, J., Im, Y., Song, S., Park, J., 1996. Analysis of Baseline 
Accuracy by GPS Relative Positioning, Journal of The Korean 
Society for Geo-Spatial Information System, Vol. 4, No. 2, 
Yoo, H., Pio, M., Fujii, Y., 1997. The Precision Analysis of 
Long Baselin Measurement by using Broadcast Ephemeris and 
Precise Ephemeris of GPS Satellites, Journal of The Korean 
Society for Geo-Spatial Information System, Vol. 5, No. 2, 
Brunner, F., 1994. On the Deformation of GPS Networks, FIG 
XX. International Congress Melbourne, pp.501.4/1-501.4/8. 
Collier, P. Armstrong, A, Leahy, F. 1994. On the 
Deformation of GPS Networks, FIG XX. International 
Congress Melbourne, pp.501.2/1-501.2/14 
Doller, J., 1994. Vessel Positioning on Danube by Real Time 
Differential GPS, FIG XX. International Congress Melbourne, 
David P. Stapleton, 2003. GPS/Wide Area Augmentation 
System(WAAS) Final Approach Error Analysis: Journal of The 
Institute of Navigation, ION, Vol.50, No.2, pp.131-142. 
Ryan S. Y. Young and Gary A., McGraw, 2003. Fault 
Detection and Exclusion Using Normalized Solution Separation 
and Residual Monitoring Methods: Journal of The Institute of 
Navigation, ION, Vol.50, No.3, pp.151-170. 
Kang, I., 2004. Geospatial Information Engineering (I) , Mun 
Woon Dang. pp508-581. 

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