International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004
V he arcas of the two catchments from each satellite image have
heen extracted using overlay masks, The catchments are further
subdivided into three elevation zones. The. software for the
above purpose has been developed locally, Figure 7 présents
the extracted elevation zones of Cordevole river basin from
standard false color composites acquired on different dates,
20 (WR Remnte Serzıng Dept, Oo
Figure 7 Black and white representation of extracted elevation
zones drom Standard False Color Composites of Cordevolc
river basin,
5.1 Classification of multi-spectral data
Ihe classification problem has been subject of much rescarch
during past three decades, Classification. is essentially the
process of carrying out a mathematical transformation from one
data space to another. In the remote sensing context this is from
image digital count. values to. map classes relevant lo the
application of interest. While certain map classes may bc
clearly distinguished in the image data, there is often no clear
relationship between the image digital count values and thc
map class on a pixel basis, The conventional classification
process involves the division of the feature space defined by
the raw or derived data features into disjoint regions cach of
which corresponds to a separate map class.
Multi-spectral classification of remote sensing images bas been
dominated by hard algorithms that produce onc class per pixel.
An example is the level slice algorithm that uses parallelepiped
regions in feature (multi-spectral} space. À pixel is labeled with
the class name corresponding to the parallelepiped that contains
the pixels feature vectors (Schowengerdt, 1996), Another non-
parametric method of classification is the Euclidean minimum
distance classifier. Approaches based on statistical analyses of
the data and derivation of parameters of distribution
characterizing each map class in the data set are also available
and known us parametric methods. A good example of this
approach is the maximum likelihood classifier. It bases its bard
decision on a comparison of a posteriori probabilities among
the candidate classes. All the non-parametric and parametric
classifiers give different classified information. Hence in the
present study the classification of the digital satellite data has
been made using the non-parametric and parametric classifiers
vis, parallelepiped. minimum distance and maximum
likelihood. classifBiers to. categorize snow covered area into 1)
two classes as snow and snow free arca as well as il) three
classes as snow. transition snow and aper. The suitability of
these methods for snow melt runoff forecast has been studied.
Figure 8 shows examples of the supervised classification of
elevation zones extracted from various sutellite scenes far Eu
Vizza catchment using Euclidean minimum distance classifier
The area covered by each class in each elevation zone has heen
determined by counting the number of pixels classified under
cach category and multiplying them with their respective pixel
dimension. The mixed snow cover representing the transition
zone was given a weighting of 50% and added to the pure snow
to obtain total snow-covered area for each elevation zone.
Supervised Classification
Minimum Distance
LR L-$ 1-4 me : 181
e £2
RTT PET ELIT 18 Jy 1984
Figure 8 Black and white representation 01° multi-spectral
classification of various elevation zones of La Vizza basim
using supervised minimum distance classilier
The rate of snowmelt during summer months varies from onc
catchment to another in different high mountainous regions of
the world. depending on the prevailing meteorological
conditions, Consequently the snowmelt depletion curves reflect
the seasonal decrease of the snow cover as it is influenced by
the dominant meteorological factors like temperature and
precipitation. The spatial distribution of the snow cover is
described by snow cover depletion curves, which summarize
the percentage areal coverage of the snowpack. 5now cover
depletion curves have been developed lor. and applied in,
hydrological models on a watershed or. elevation zone basis.
Watershed-wide snow depletion curve relationships are used in
lumped hydrological models such as the National Weather
Service River Forecast System (Anderson, 1973) to describe
the snow cover distribution as the snow melts, while elevation