Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 7)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004 
No.of | Mean | RMS | <2.0 | 2.0- | >50 | Max. 
Area Compared (m) (m) m &0m m (ni) 
Points v 
O+C+V+A | 29,210,494 -1.21 4.80 | 60.796 | 16.896 | 21.390 | 4242 
O+C+A 17,610,588 | -1.11 | 2.91 | 77.096 | 13.996 | 10.196 | 358.9 
O+A 14,891,390 | -1.24 | 2.77 | 79.8% | 12.2% | 8.0% | 358.9 
O 11,795,795 -1.00 1.28 190.396 | 8.5% 1.2% | 37.33 
Table 9. Accuracy measures and error classes for the triplet. O-Open areas; C-City areas; V-Tree areas; A-Alpine areas. 
No. of E 
Area Compared M RME ae 2 "8e M 
Points wh 
O+C+V 20,336,024 | 0.45 4.78 15777935 213% {209% | 125.2 
O+C 13,496,226 | -0.33 | 3.38 | 68.7% | 20.8% | 10.3% | 47.34 
O 3,969,734 -0.97 1.54 83% | 15.0% | 2.0% 39.4 
Table 10. Accuracy measures and error classes for the stereopdir. O-Open areas; C-City areas; V-Tree areas. 
with cooperative texture. In fact in these areas, the matching 
accuracy was close to that of LIDAR. 
The presented results verify that 3D points can be determined 
with a submeter accuracy which for the planimetry can be 0.5 
m or less, if accurate GCPs are used. This was achieved also 
with non-GPS GCPs and in mountainous areas with not very 
well defined GCPs. The number of GCPs can be small, their 
accuracy being the main point. GCPs can cover only a portion 
of the image, although caution should be paid in areas with 
large height differences. QB is not as linear as IKONOS and to 
achieve equal accuracy, needs an affine transformation after 
employment of RPCs. The simple models (3D and 2D affine) 
do not always perform well, thus use of RPCs should be 
generally preferred. IKONOS and QB orthoimages have been 
generated with an accuracy of 0.5 — 0.8 m, for typical sensor 
elevations of 65-75 deg. This requires, however, an accurate 
DSM/DTM. Sophisticated matching algorithms have derived a 
5 m DSM with an accuracy of 1-5 m without editing and under 
very difficult conditions. In spite of that, accuracy in open 
textured areas was 1m or below. This potential has been very 
little exploited up to now, especially with IKONOS which is 
more stereo capable than QB, and presents an interesting 
alternative technology for deriving DSMs. Future work will 
focus on refinement of these investigations and possibly 
processing of new better quality images in the Thun testfield. 
We thank the Swiss Federal Office of Topography and the 
NPOC, Bern for providing in Thun the laser DSM and in 
Geneva the HRS images, Swissimage and the DHM25, the 
Canton Geneva for providing the 25-cm orthoimages and the 
laser DTM and Space Imaging USA for the IKONOS images in 
Thun and the RPCs of the Geneva IKONOS images. We also 
thank Oliver Heller and Oliver Gut, students at ETH Zurich, 
for contributing in this work, especially for the Geneva data. 
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Fraser, C.S, Baltsavias, E., Grün, A., 2002. Processing of 
IKONOS images for submetre 3D positioning and building 
extraction. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry & Remote 
Sensing 56 (3), 177 — 194. 
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Gruen, A., 1985, Adaptive Least Squares Correlation: A 
powerful Image Matching Technique. South Africa Journal 
of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Cartography 14 
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Heller, O., Gut, O., 2004. Auswertung hochauflósender 
Satellitenbildern | IKONOS/QUICKBIRD. Report for 
Vertiefungsblock, ETH Zürich, March. 
Otto, G. P., Chau, T. K. W., 1988. A “Region-Growing” 
Algorithm for Matching of Terrain Images. Proc. 4^ Alvey 
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StarImager (SI) Data. Proc. 6" Conference on Optical 3-D 
Measurement Techniques, Gruen, A., Kahmen, H. (Eds.), 
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Zhang, L., Gruen, A., 2004. Automatic DSM Generation from 
Linear Array Imagery Data. IAPRS, Vol. XXXV, Part B3 
(proc. of this Congress). 

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