International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004
temperatures through relationships determined using the
TRMM PR precipitation products as reference. Evaluation of
the algorithm (defined as the Sferics Infrared Rainfall
Technique, SIRT) performance based on daily rainfall rate from
Global Precipitation Climatology Project (GPCP) is done in a
qualitative way.
The initial idea was to use simultaneous infrared GOES data,
lightning data and rainfall measured by meteorological RADAR
onboard on TRMM over Paraíba do Sul basin area (figure 1a),
for the period from September of 1999 to March of 2000.
However it was not possible due to amount of data to establish
a consistent statistics curves for rainfall estimation for the study
area. The latter has been solved by extend the training area as
shown in figurelb.
EY p d ci Rey i eem mm
3 CE m és 2156 n x > is EC
& A TN AN : ^
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10 \ Mops / à y is
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bo... -80. m $6. bo ifs
Figure 1. Lightning space distribution represented by the dark
areas: (a) Paraiba do sul river area (b) extended area.
The GOES brightness temperature, lightning data and rain
(TRMM) were project and interpolated in equidistant projection
of 0.1 x 0.1 degrees (~ 10 km x 10 km).
For evaluation of the effectiveness of the methodology for
rainfall estimation via infrared GOES data in this work, a set of
4738 infrared GOES data and 1621 rainfall from TRMM-PR
data were used. The table 2 shows the amount of lightning and
lightning free cloud simultaneously used to establish the curves
Table 2. Cloud number with lightning (LTG) and lightning free
(NLTG) simultaneously collected with GOES infrared data and
rainfall from TRMM-PR.
Type of Clouds Number of Clouds
Lightning (LTG) 71
Lightning free (NLTG) 693
The algorithm is based on the following hypotheses: (1)
lightning information can advance our ability to discriminate
convective rain areas within a cloud system, given that current
IR algorithms face limitations in dealing with the presence of
cirrus clouds and non-raining cloud shields like those in
Mesoscale Convective System (MCS); and (2) the development
of a combined lightning and satellite IR algorithm based on the
newly available PR rain products can lead to improvements in
the definition of rain area, precipitation classification, and
quantitative rain estimation from these sensors. The algorithm is
designed to produce maps of instantaneous surface rainfall
fluxes and rain type classification based on a combination of
lightning, IR brightness temperature (10.2-11.2 um)
observations, and precipitation profile measurements from PR.
Besides the algorithms classify clouds with lightning (LTG) and
lightning free (LTG), this classifies the clouds system on the
land or ocean, and if is a stratiform or convective one. This way
the following calibration curves are generated: Brightness
temperature distribution and rainfall rate, rain area and
convective fraction, and assignment of rainfall rate.
2.1. Brightness Temperature and Rainfall Rate
The figure 3 presents the temperature distributions for the rain
clouds with LTG and NLTG over the land and ocean. It can be
noticed that the clouds that possess LTG present a larger
frequency of colder tops, in other words, larger vertical
development. The convective area also presents colder
Convective - Land Stratiform - Land
95 7 25
2.07 20[ à | 1
c 5 !
P 4p ? pl
Z 15 i1 M^ |
0.5¢ i 0.51
OO ul 0.0
180 196 212 228 243 259 275 180 196 212 228 243 259 275
80 196 212 228 243 759 275
Figure 3. Distribution of frequencies of brightness temperature
for rain clouds with lightning (red) and lightning free (blue) for
convective (left) and stratiform areas (right) over the land (top)
and ocean (below).
The figure 4 illustrates the distribution of rainfall rate for the
rain clouds with LTG and NLTG. Differently of the
temperature distribution, it doesn't happen a significant
difference for the rainfall rate for the clouds with LTG and
NLTG, as presented by Morales and Anagnostou (2003).