Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 7)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004 
Figure 9. The illustration shows infrared GOES image with 
lightning data represented by white cross (top figure); rain 
fraction for convective (red — middle figure) and stratiform 
(blue — middle figure) and instantaneous rainfall rate (button 
figure) at 16:39 UTC and 20:09 UTC on 13 of January of 2000. 
3.2. Daily Rainfall Rate 
Following Huffman (1997) and in order to make a comparison 
between the results from rainfall estimation algorithm proposed 
in this work and values from the Global Precipitation 
Climatology Project (GPCP) in a daily basis, it was taken 
GOES data from the period of 12 to 14 of January 2000 (figure 
SFT = 13 Jame 2000 
10). There is a spatial scale difference between the two used 
data since the GCP one were obtained at resolution of 1° x 1°. 
The comparison idea is to present, as shown in figure 10, the 
spatial rainfall distribution estimated by the proposed algorithm 
SIRT and GPCP. The results show a quite good coherence 
regarding to spatial distribution point of view. Since the GCCP 
spatial resolution is 10 times poorer, loosing information, the 
SIRT. And the reason why the SIRT is able to observe higher 
variability of the precipitation the heavy precipitation intensity 
estimated by SIRT is observed in the same areas given by 
Figure 10. Daily rainfall estimation for the method SIRT (left) 
and GPCP (right), for the period12-14 of January 2000. 
0 160 
It has well the 
precipitation field over study area. The methodology shows a 
quite good performance to capture active rainy convective 
areas. The adjusted curves of cloud fraction area and their 
respective convective and stratiform part were inferred, and 
finally the different curves of rainfall rates base on the 
temperature and frequency of lightning were obtained. 
The results illustrate the potential of the rainfall estimation on 
areas the where a great variability in space and time of the rain 
exist, and especially with great frequency of Lightning 
(atmospherics discharges). 
As future perspectives, efforts will be made in order to use a 
larger data set aiming to reach better fitting curves. 
The authors would like to thank to *Financiadora de Estudos e 
Projetos — FINEP” for the finatial support Grant No. 
Adler, R. F., A.J. Negri, 1988. A Satellite Infrared Technique to 
Estimate Tropical Convective and Stratiform Rainfall. Journal 
of Applied Meteorology, 27(1), pp. 30-51. 
Anagnostou, E.N. W.F. Krajewski, and J. Smith, 1999. 
Uncertainty quantification of mean-field radar-rainfall estimes. 
J. Atmos. Ocean. Techn., 16, pp. 206-215. 
‘Arkin, P.A., and B. N. Meisner, 1987. The relationship between 
large-scale convective rainfall and cold cloud over the Western 
Hemisphere during 1982-1984. Mon. Wea. Rev., 115, pp. 51-74. 

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