Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 7)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004 
cloud shadows. The DS fusion removes this kind of error by.de- 
creasing the credibility associated to this decision. The rate of 
classification after DS fusion is 63 96 . 
The final step is based on an evidential markovian approach. 
Each classified pixel is studied with a spatial context and its own 
mass function after the DS fusion [1]. The algorithm used in 
this step is the evidential ICM (Iterative Conditional Mode). The 
rate of good classification after this algorithm increase to 66 % 
The new evidential fusion approach can distinct in a better 
way the uncertainty et inaccuracy notion in the mass functions. 
The FSEM algorithm compared to others algorithms used in the 
DS fusion enables possible to distribute a more realistic density 
for each simple or composed hypothesis. We have seen that the 
mass function initialization proposed in this article ease the fu- 
sion process. The mass function are no more estimated using 
an empirical approach, so the algorithm is completely automatic 
and we do not need any a priori information about the data. 
Application to remote sensing multispectral images with 
some ecological indices and auxiliary data related to slope in- 
formation give a better classification result on the final decision- 
making. Redundant and heterogeneity information decrease 
some ambiguities related to a lack of data and some artefacts. 
Thus, the DS fusion developed method improves the result in 
comparaison with the result of LANDSAT TM SEM classifica- 
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