Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 7)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004 
the editing functions such as appending, edge-matching, 
etc. in GIS package. Each village in this map was 
assigned unique ids (user-defined) in a regular sequence. 
Thus, taluka map with village boundaries with in-built 
table having aerial extent, village-ids, etc., can be 
generated for district. The village map was opened for 
Further processing. 
Integration of Spatial and Non-spatial Database 
The MS Excel file was converted into text format to 
enable & open. The Tables of both spatial village map 
and non-spatial census information were opened and 
joined together, with the help of 
user-defined ids, using table-join function. 
Thus, an information system has been generated for the 
district showing the village map with its boundaries and 
the relevant census information containing eco-socio- 
VLIS tool, with a moto "turning data into information’, 
e Estimation of Location specific Resource 
e Monitoring and trend analysis for various 
e Identification of risk factors 
e Planning model on poverty 
e Allocation of resources 
e Frame work for monitoring & control of 
administrative factors. 
e The system can be implemented in macro level 
as well as in micro level Decision Support 
e Information can be updated easily and analysed 
There will be a scope of further data enhancement in 
database, the effect of which will be directly reflected on 
the GIS map. 
It is needless to say that our proposed system is equipped 
with the total solution required by the Local Govt. for 
implementing the development program effectively. GIS 
has the potential to link data visually on a common 
denominator, analyze it and make predictions, which is 
essential in rural planning. Electronic Governance 
through GIS has the potential to revolutionize District 
administrative bodies at different levels. 
e The proposed GIS based e-governance offers 
the flexibility and excludes the problem of 
traditional procedure and database created in the registers 
cannot be used conveniently either for first decision making 
or for implementation of policy in operation or for 
evaluation of the efficiency of the schemes. 
There have been immense efforts to correlate Panchyat and 
the Geographical environment. A GIS based Rural 
surveillance system is proposed in the instant proposal. 
With the intensity, distribution and its trends is proposed 
for better monitoring, control and decision making as well 
as instant management information. 
GIS Application can capture, describe the problem areas 
and distribution features. GIS allows spatial data handling, 
manipulation and analysis with new dimension and 
unparalleled flexibility. This system provides more 
accurate base maps and redefines several methods of data 
capturing within accepted level of accuracy. 
The general objectives are: 
Objective: Identification of Rural resources for 
generating self employment and stronger 
village based rural economy. 
To identify opportunities and constraints to 
Rural Development 
To empirically validate the benefits of self- 
governance in fostering rural development. 
PStrategy ; 
e To provide greater access to simple, low-cost 
data management and mapping systems to 
Panchayat administrators at District and sub- 
District levels. 
e To expand the network of Logistics support and 
data distribution channels. 
e To stimulate partnerships at all levels in an effort 
to synergies approaches to GIS and mapping for 
Rural Development. 
e Support and strengthen surveillance, monitoring 
and management of Panchayat areas. 
e Support and strengthen planning capacities of 
District &  Sub-District Level for more 
rationalized use of resources. 
e Develop and strengthen local, District, and State 
Level capacities in surveillance information 
management and analysis. 
The following main objectives would be achieved by the 
proposed system: 

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