Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 7)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004 
In the year 1986, post-monsoon water level was normal or near 
normal in major parts of the terrain except some discrete 
pockets in the west, and south. Before commencement of the 
1987 monsoon, many regions all over the terrain were hit by 
mild drought and one major pocket in the south-west suffered 
from extreme hydrological drought. The drought situation 
further aggravated during the monsoon period of 1987, when 
except the western sector rest of the terrain was affected by 
moderate to severe hydrological drought. Except the western 
sector, the terrain underwent a temporary recovery from the 
water stress during the monsoon of 1989. The year 1989 is also 
marked by a shift in drought from the east towards the west. 
This shift in drought pattern caused some western pockets to 
suffer from moderate to extreme droughts consistently since 
1989 until 1996. Since the year 1997, the drought shifted again 
from the west towards the eastern parts of the terrain (Figure 2). 
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Figure 2 
The drought condition worsened gradually from the pre- 
monsoon of 1998 onwards, and in the post-monsoon period of 
2000, almost the entire terrain was in the grief of acute drought. 
The SWI maps show that some pockets particularly in the 
western sector of the terrain frequently suffered from water 
stress either in the monsoon or non-monsoon period (Figure 3 & 
5) or in both seasons (Figure 5). 
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Figure 3 
3.3 Vegetative Drought 
Vegetative drought as observed and understood through NDVI, 
VCI, TCI, and VHI implies that like meteorological drought, it 
also appears in the Aravalli province in irregular pattern. Major 
parts of the Aravalli terrain show favourable vegetation . 
condition for most of the years under consideration. There is no 
direct relationship among VCI, TCI, and precipitation (Singh 
et al., 2003). Extremely unhealthy vegetation (very low VHI) is 
generally associated with severe moisture (low VCI) and 
thermal stress (low TCI) and vice versa. However, vegetation 
health could be represented by many other combinations of VCI 
and TCI. For example, in the year 1993 inspite of thermal stress 
(magenta, light, and dark orange) the entire Aravalli terrain 
could maintain healthy vegetation due to extremely favourable 
moisture condition. On the contrary, good vegetation health was 
maintained in the next year too inspite of extreme moisture 
stress (yellow, orange and red), this time due to optimal thermal 
condition (Figure 4). 
Figure 4 
The Aravalli terrain experienced vegetative drought for the 
three consecutive years of 1985, 1986 and 1987 before 
regaining back vegetation health during the monsoon of 1988. 
The vegetation stress reached culmination in the year 1987 
when almost the entire terrain suffered from severe to extreme 
vegetative degradation. Vegetation suffered mild stress in the 
years 1989, 1991, 1992, and 1995 but only in some pockets. In 
both the seasons of the intermediate years, vegetation in the 
Aravalli terrain was free of stress. Vegetation in some discrete 
pockets all over the terrain was under stress again during the 
monsoon period of 2000. 
3.4 Comparison and Correlation 
Precipitation and evapotranspiration are the chief causative 
parameters while water level is the main responsive parameter 
of drought. Vegetative drought is a manifestation of 
meteorological and hydrological droughts. The time-series 
drought maps generated through various drought indices 
indicate that meteorological, hydrological and vegetative 
droughts in the Aravalli terrain are not linearly correlated with 
one another. Moreover, speed of drought development and 
drought duration are also different in different spheres. 
Therefore, it is quite common that when one drought index 
identifies drought at a particular place, another drought index 
indicates a normal condition at the same place and time. 
During the years 1986 - 1987, insufficient rainfall in both the 
monsoon and non-monsoon periods gradually resulted severe 
meteorological and hydrological droughts in almost the entire 
terrain except some pockets. Gradual development of 
meteorological and hydrological drought in turn imparted 
extreme stress on vegetation health resulting acute vegetative 
drought during the monsoon of 1987 (Figure 5). In the year 
1992, the entire terrain received good monsoon rainfall. 
Deficiency in rainfall during non-monsoon period has resulted 
water stress in the western sectors. Hydrological drought 
covered more area during the monsoon of 1993 inspite of good 
rainfall. Vegetation enjoyed an excellent health owing to the 
support of good monsoon. In the year 1995, monsoon rainfall 
was better in the western sector than the east. 

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