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International Archives of the Photogrammetry,
Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004
Fig.1 Map of sampling area, northwest of Persian Gulf.
This usually keeps the water at the estuary,
turbid for the most of the time. This turbidity
may extend up to few kilometers far from the
estuary out in to the deeper region, where
heavier particles reside to the substrate and will
not return to the estuary even with the tidal
We have collected our samples at the
vicinity of the estuary (Fig.1), while MODIS
sensor onboard of Terra was passing over the
region. Each sample was a minimum distance
of 500 meters apart. Along with the sample
collection, latitude and longitude of the sample
were determined (using a GPS set). Also
parameters like current speed and direction
profile (for determination of tidal state), water
temperature, wind speed and direction (in the
nearest meteorological station) and visibility
were collected. These data were used for quality
assessment of the images. Then the collected
samples were taken to the laboratory for
measurement of density, particle size
distribution and composition analysis. The
density of the collected samples were as low as
30 and as high as 500 mg/lit. Between 1 to 15%
of the particles had diameters of less than | WM,
consequently Rayliegh Scattering is not
responsible for the reflection and scattering. On
Table 2- Sediment constituents, with chemical name and formula
(Courtesy, Amethyst Gallery URL http://mineral. galleries.com)
Name Formula Presence in Nature and/or Industry Interaction with light
Albite NaAISi3 O8 Omamental stone, Seramics and mineral Translucent to Transparent
Anhydrite CaSO4 In the manufacture of some cement Transparent to Translucent
Apatite Ca5(PO4)3(OH,F,CI) sus phosphaious to beused in Transparent to Translucent
Biotite KE, Me O10 Heat insulator for industrial purposes Transparent to Translucent
Calcite CaCO3 In cements and mortars, production of lime Transparent to Transiucent
and some other industries
: ; (Fe, Mg, Al)6(Si, As a mineral specimen and some industrial 2
Chlorite Al)4010(OH)8 EN Transparent to Translucent
G CaSO4-2(H20) some cements, fertilizer, paint filler, Transparent to Translucent
ypsum dide ornamental stone Sp 7
: Major source of salt and as mineral ; :
Halite NaCl specimens Transparent to Translucent |
xis i In the production of ceramics and some
Kaolinite AlSi2Os(OH)4 other industry uses Translucent ba
Muscovite KAI2(AISi3010)(F, OH)2 Heat and electrical insulator for industrial Transparent to Translucent
Orthoclase KAISi308 Mineral Specimens and in the porcelain Opaque to Translucent
Quartz S102 Silica for glass, electrical components Transparent for visible