International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004
the worst correlations with the higher values of
densities as it has highest negative values of Ap.
Fig. (5) shows measured densities
versus channel 1 reflectance, where red points
are below the threshold (Ap=0.01) suggested by
Rong-Rong Li, et al., 2003.
A linear fit is run with the accepted data
and a poor value of correlation coefficient of
0.59 was found. The fitted line has the equation
of the form
Density (mg/lit) = a (Pa)+b (1)
where a is equal to 4160, b is 106 and Pen 18
reflectance in channel |.
Fig. (6) shows the same story but for channel 4
reflectance. As expected, a better correlation of
0.77 between density and reflectance in this
channel was found. The algorithm for channel 4
data is of the form
Density (mg/lit) — c (Pens)+d (2)
with € = 2396 and d = 33.9.
The minimum density that can be
detected by algorithm 1 is about 150 mg/lit,
while this value for channel 4 (algorithm 2) is
57 mg/lit. This makes algorithm 2 suitable for
detection of coastal turbid waters as well as
turbid estuaries, while using relatively low
spatial resolution sensors such as MODIS
channel 4(500m).
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Channel 1 Reflectance
Fig. (5) Measured density versus reflectance in channel 1
.of MODIS sensor.
Larger sediment particles concentration
did not show a well-defined correlation with the
total sediment density due to its dependence on
the tidal state. :
At the flood situation, more than 95% of
the sediment particles had diameters more than
1 micrometer, where in the ebb, less than 75%
of particles had diameter of lu and more. This
shows that the heavier particles have resided in
the ebb situation. The correlation between
channel 4 reflectance and density of sediment
particles with diameter more than 1 u was about
0.81 that shows some improvements.
The effects of environmental parameters
on the results were investigated. It was found
an T T T T T
c y is
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Channel 4 Reflectance
Fig. (6) Measured density versus reflectance in channel 4
of MODIS sensor.
that the visibility had strong influence on the
correlation coefficients values of the line fit
between channels 3, 5, 6 and 7, where higher
visibility | values coincide with higher
correlation and better prediction of density
values using channel 4 reflectance. It is
believed that the atmospheric aerosols are the
main reason for the poorness of the results,
while the effect of poor spatial resolution is not
of lesser importance i. e. each sample represents
an area of minimum 25 acres. So this sample
may hardly represent the turbidity of that vast
area unless we have strong mixing of the water
in that region. This could be the case at the
flood or ebb conditions at the vicinity of
Due to low wind speed, uniformity of
temperature and humidity during expeditions,