Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 7)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004 
1. Introduction 
Monitoring, protecting and improving the quality of 
waters is critical for targeting conservation efforts and 
improving the quality of environment. Methods currently used 
to monitor water quality across the landscape consists of in situ 
measurements or collection of water samples for analysis in the 
laboratory. These techniques, while accurate for a point in time 
and space, are time consuming and expensive and do not give 
the synoptic views of the landscape necessary to allow 
management decisions that can effectively control or improve 
water quality. 
The Alexandria coastal zone is about 42 km long, extending 
from El-Dekhaila in the west to Abu Quir in the east, and 
consists of pockets and embayment beaches morphology. In 
addition to its moderate temperature in summer and winter, its 
beaches, with soft sands and magnificent scenery, are 
considered very important natural resources. The coastal zone 
of Alexandria is presently experiencing a number of problems 
resulting from a considerable amount of wastewater is 
discharged into the coastal zone of Alexandria from the 
surrounding area as described by (Saad, 1985, Said, 1995 and 
Hassan, 1996). This occurs extensively at six regions, Edku lake 
inlet, El Tabia pumping station , Eastern Harbor, western harbor 
and Mamoura region. 
The purpose of the study is to evaluate the potential of using 
remotely sensed digital data from Landsat satellite (TM sensor), 
to extract information that help in the monitoring system for 
Alexandria coastal water quality. The color and surface 
temperature information of the coastal water can be derived 
from satellite-based observations, as well reflects the main 
environmental processes occurring along the coastal water. 
These processes can detected through measuring the parameters 
that cause changes in the optical characteristics of surface 
waters. Each of the components of coastal water contributes to 
the values of optical properties for the sea. 
The optical properties of sea water are divided into 
inherent and apparent properties. The inherent properties are 
those associated with the absorption and scattering of light. The 
apparent optical properties are those characteristics of the water 
body that are dependent on the ambient light, therefore, the 
measurements cannot be taken in the laboratory, only in situ. 
Apparent optical properties are Secchi disk depth and Irradiance 
attenuation. Stramski and Kiefer (1991) and Morel (19912) give 
excellent reviews of the optical properties of marine particles. 
Observing the marine environment from satellites is a more 
recently established method of data capture than aerial 
photography, and has undergone a prolific increase in usage 
over the last decade. The satellite data are collected in 
inherently digital form, and are therefore immediately amenable 
to computer processing. 
The remote sensing has been started in Egypt since three 
decades. The techniques of image processesing were commonly 
used for the qualitative studies for the marine and coastal 
environment ie. image classification, change detection 
techniques, etc.., among these studies are Klemas and Abdel 
Kader (1982); Inman and Jenkins (1984); Frihy (1988); Elwany 
etal. (1988); Fanos and Khafagy (1989); Ahmed, (1991); Frihy 
et al., (1992); Warne and Stanley (1993); El-Raey et al. (1995; 
1997, 1998); Yehia, (1998), Ahmed et al., (2000 a,b; 2001; 
2002 and 2003). 
2. Methodology 
In this study, TM landsat images have been used for the 
years 1990 and 2000 as shown in figure (1). Landsat sensor 
measures radiation in seven bands of the electromagnetic 
spectrum with spectral resolution of 30m except for band 6 
which measures emitted thermal infra-red radiation and has a 
resolution of 120 m. The processing of these color images (two 
dates) has been carried out mainly to enhance the water color 
and to map the thermal distribution. ERDAS Imagine 8.6 
software package is used to process and analyze the acquired 
First, The coastal zone of Alexandria is extensively 
selected for six regions, based on the existing natural and 
human interventions to the coastal water, the six profiles have 
been drawn for the six regions representing the clear water (case 
| water) or offshore water for profile 1 and case 2 waters or 
near shore water for the other five profiles Mamoura region 
(profile no 2), El Tabia pumping station (profile no 3), Edku 
lake inlet (profile no 4), Eastern Harbor (profile no 5), western 
harbor (profile no 6). These profiles are selected based on the 
reflectance measurements derived from processing the images. 
The location of selected sites is shown in figure (2). 
Secondly, as surface water temperature is the basic 
parameter for the deviation of the thermal behavior of the 
environment, a thermal classification of both images has been 
conducted using the thermal infrared (10.4 to 12.5 um) band 6 
that measures the amount of infrared radiant flux emitted from 
surfaces. The apparent temperature is a function of the 
emissivities and true or kinetic temperature of the surface. It is 
useful for locating geothermal activity, thermal inertia mapping 
for geologic investigations, vegetation classification, vegetation 
stress analysis, and soil moisture studies. The resulted 
temperature represents an “effective at-satellite temperature of 
the viewed Earth-atmosphere system under the assumption of 
unity emissivity”. The consideration of emissivity of the surface 
cover types would include the additional problem of mixed 
pixels in a 60 x 60 m 2 area. Otherwise the mixed signatures 
help to accept the assumption of unity emissivity for this kind of 
The thermal bands of the satellite images were 
transformed into surface temperature values. The digital 
numbers were transformed into absolute radiance in the two 
landsat sensors (TM5 and TM7), using the following equation : 
L = (Lmax - Lmin)/255 * DN + Lmin (1), 
where L is the spectral radiance, Lmin and Lmax [mW cm-2 sr- 
1 pm-1] are spectral radiances for each band at digital pixel 
numbers 0 and 255 respectively. 
Using this equation with the TM landsat 5 Lmin and Lmax the 
values 0.124 and 1.560 [mW cm-2 sr-1 um-1] respectively. 
On the other hand, the using of this equation with the TM 
landsat 7 the following reference values are given: ETM + 
Spectral Radiance Range: 
Low Gain: Lmin - 0.0 Lmax - 17.04 [mW cm-2 sr-1 um-1] 
High Gain: Lmin - 3.2 Lmax - 12.65 [mW cm-2 sr-1 pm-1] 
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