Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 7)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004 
Spectral Bands 
Spectral Bands 
Spectral Bands 
Spectral Bands 
Spectral Bands 
Spectral Bands 
Figure (4): Temporal reflectance analyses of the selected 
coastal water sites from satellite images TM 1990 and 2000 
Figure (5) Thermal maps for the Alexandria Coast 
for 1990 and 2000 
4. Conclusion 
Remote sensing can play a vital role in reducing the cost, 
labor, time required to develop statewide water clarity 
assessments that are currently impossible by traditional field 
operations. The purpose of the study is to evaluate the potential 
of using remotely 
Several patterns of near-cost features were derived from 
“the composite images. The results obtained show differences in 
the distribution of water constituents. As the reflectance value 
tend to be relatively low in clean waters and high with 
increasing concentrations of particulate materials. Therefore the 
reflectance profiles were used to identify the presence and 
concentrations of water constituents and parameters closely 
related to a variety of environmentally important variables and 
to assess the impact of coastal and fluvial runoff. In general, the 
reflectance of water increases with increased suspended 
sediments concentrations. Chlorophyll concentration is 
inversely related to suspended sediment concentrations. 
Reflectance and radiance are inversely related to concentration 
of chlorophyll. 
Therefore, the enhanced images emphasize the existence 
of particles, dissolved substances within the near shore water, 
which represent water pollution. These pollutants reflect 
strongly other color than blue instead of absorbing such colors 
in case of clear water. Consequently, the color level with 

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