Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 7)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004 
Acronym | Genus Species Common name 
POHE Populus | heterophylla | swamp cottonwood 
PRSE Prunus serotina black cherry 
QUAL Quercus alba white oak 
QUBI Quercus | bicolor swamp white oak 
QUCO Quercus coccinea scarlet oak 
QUEA Quercus falcata southern red oak 
QUIM Quercus imbricaria shingle oak 
QUL Y Quercus lyrata overcup oak 
QUMA Quercus | marilandica blackjack oak 
QUMC Quercus macrocarpa bur Oak 
QUMI Quercus | michauxii swamp chestnut 
QUMU Quercus | muehlenbergii |, chinquapin oak 
QUNI Quercus nigra water oak 
QUPA Quercus | pagoda cherrybark oak 
QUPH Quercus | phellos willow oak 
QUPL Quercus | palustris pin oak 
QUPR Quercus prinus chestnut oak 
QURU Quercus rubra northern red oak 
QUSH Quercus shumardii shumard oak 
QUST Quercus | stellata post oak 
QUVE Quercus velutina black oak 
RHCA Rhamnus | caroliniana carolina buckthorn 
ROPS Robinia psuedoacacia | black locust 
SAAL Sassafras | albidum sassafras 
SANI Salix nigra black willow 
TADI Taxodium| distichum bald cypress 
ULAL Ulmus alata winged elm 
ULAM Ulmus americana american elm 
ULRU Ulmus rubra 
slippery elm 
Table 1. Summary of tree species found in LBL. 
High spectral resolution (ultraspectral) leaf, soil, and water 
reflectance data were collected on a regular basis with an ASD 
Field Spec FR?, a full-range field spectroradiometer, in the 
field to create a spectral library to aid the classification of the 
surface material During the satellite and aerial data collection 
events, ground spectra were also collected for selected 
spectral targets. 
Several hyperspectral remotely sensed datasets collected by 
the Hyperion satellite (Figure 2) on April 29, 2001, and the 
airborne RDACS-3 (Figure 3) on on September 7, 1999 were 
utilized in this research. AVIRIS data were also used but 
because of some system problems with the sensor, only small 
parts of the data were utilized. AVIRIS was flown on the 
Twin Otter turboprop at approximately 4000m above the 
ground with 4m spatial resolution on November 11, 1999 and 
September 10, 2001. The Hyperion provided 242 spectral 
bands (from 0.4 to 2.5 pm) with a 30 meter spatial resolution 
and covered 7.5km by 200km area. An RDACS-3 imagery 
with 120 spectral bands and 2x4m spatial resolution was 
collected at 2350m above the ground by the ITD Spectral 
Visions. Hyperion was NASA's first hyperspectral imager 
aboard NASA's Earth Observing-1 (EO-1) spacecraft,which 
had three land imaging instruments; Advanced Land Imager, 
Hyperion, and Atmospheric Corrector. 
Hyperspectral imagery can be considered as a single image 
dataset with a continuous spectrum of radiance (or 
reflectance) values associated with each image pixel (Bateson 
and Curtiss, 1996). Hyperspectral imagery can distinguish 
between slope and brightness variations and ' resolve 
absorption bands n the spectrum, which can allow one to 
identify surface material such as specific minerals or any 
material with absorption features (Clark et al, 1992). 
AVIRIS was the first airborne hyperspectral sensor to 
measure reflected solar radiation from 400nm to 2500 nm 
(Green et al., 1998). 
Individual bands of the RDACS hyperspectral datasets were 
calibrated to percent reflectance using the known reflectances 
of two gray scale placards placed on the ground during the 
overflight (Figure 4). The calibration and radiance to 
reflectance conversions for the Hyperion dataset were done 
using several ground targets (dark, medium and light arcas), 
for which ground spectra were collected using the field 
spectrometer. A simple linear regression model was used in 
the calibration and conversion process. 
PE Lake Barkley 
— LL 
Hi icinl 56 6103.7 nm 
Blige: Band-21 (56,77 rns 
Figure 2. The Hyperion dataset, April 29, 2001 
A spectral library of surface material (endmembers) and 
vegetation species (Table 1 and Figure 5) was created for 
hyperspectral analysis of the datasets. Several techniques 

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