Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 7)

Mika Karjalainen ", Harri Kaartinen *, Juha Hyyppà *, Heikki Laurila ^, Risto Kuittinen “ 
* Finnish Geodetic Institute, Geodeetinrinne 2, 02430 Masala, FINLAND (Mika.Karjalainen, Harri.Kaartinen, 
Juha.Hyyppa or Risto.Kuittinen) @fg1.fi 
b University of Helsinki, Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry, Heikki.Laurila@helsinki.fi 
Commission VII, WG VII/2 
KEY WORDS: Agriculture, SAR, polarization, satellite, monitoring 
In this paper Envisat alternating polarization SAR images were used in the agricultural monitoring and yield damage assessment. The 
main advantage of using synthetic aperture radar (SAR) is that satellite images can be acquired frequently at user-specified times 
from the target area, even through clouds. Consequently, agriculture has been considered as one of the most promising civilian 
application areas of SAR imagery. Our test area is located in the Western Finland near the city of Seinäjoki. The test area is one of 
the northernmost consistent agricultural areas in the world and it is situated approximately at the latitude of 63° north. The main food 
crops are barley and oats, however, small areas of wheat and rye are also cultivated. A corresponding agricultural monitoring project 
was carried out in summer 2001 in the same test area using Radarsat-1 Fine beam SAR images, therefore, a comparison of the 
usability of Envisat ASAR and Radarsat-1 SAR images in the agricultural monitoring can be made. In order to carry out the research, 
altogether 16 Envisat ASAR images were requested from the summer 2003. The image request was possible in the framework of 
ESA’s Envisat announcement of opportunity (AOE-488). In order to collect reference data, ground survey campaigns were organized 
for the selected set of test parcels simultaneously with each image acquisition. The ground surveys consisted of measurements of soil 
roughness, soil moisture and crop height, as well as general notes about growing stage and possible yield damages caused by drought 
or lodging. First results of the suitability of Envisat SAR images in the agricultural monitoring will be presented, as well as a 
projection of the usability of SAR images in the yield estimation will be made. 
Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) is an active imaging instrument, 
i.e. SAR sends a pulse of electromagnetic radiation and then 
records the amplitude and phase of the radiation coming back 
from the target. The backscattering coefficient, 0°, is a measure 
describing the strength of the recorded radar signals from the 
target per unit area. Advantage over the optical satellite images, 
such as Landsat and SPOT, is that SAR uses cloud-penetrating 
microwaves having wavelength of few centimetres to even 
metres. Thus, it is possible to have satellite SAR images from 
the target at user-specified times, which is important in 
agricultural monitoring where satellite images are needed 
regularly and the time window for image acquisition is narrow. 
Although it is evident that cloud-penetrating SAR has great 
potential in agricultural remote sensing, the exploitation of the 
SAR backscattering, for example, in crop yield estimation is 
still non-existent. Instead, optical satellite images have channels 
revealing information of the photosynthetically active radiation 
of the vegetation, and thus, there is a well-established 
connection between satellite information and vegetation 
There have been several agricultural studies concerning the 
temporal change of the SAR backscattering from agricultural 
fields during a growing season (ESA, 1995), but the estimation 
of the crop yield or vegetation biomass has proven to be a very 
difficult and is still an unresolved problem. According to 
previous studies the most useful frequency range for crop 
biomass estimation would be the C-band, i.e. the wavelength of 
about 5 cm, which is comparable with the size of the crop 
leaves and stems. Skriver et al. (1999) found out that at the end 
of the growing season C-band backscattering was dominated by 
volume scattering from crop vegetation. Brown et al. (2003) 
proposed that HH-VV amplitude difference of the 
backscattering in C-band could be a good measure for 
estimating the biomass of the crops. There have also been 
promising results of the use of repeat-pass SAR interferometric 
coherence with one day offset for the vegetation biomass 
estimation, but at the moment there are no suitable SAR 
satellite systems available for this purpose (Blaes et.al., 2003). 
In general, crop yield estimation using remote sensing is an 
inverse problem (Ulaby, 1998), which means that recorded 
SAR backscattering is a function of several physical properties 
such as soil moisture, soil surface roughness, vegetation 
biomass, vegetation moisture, crop species, land slope and seed 
row direction. In crop yield estimation one would like to 
estimate the vegetation biomass, but its inversion from the 
recorded SAR backscattering is very complicated since other 
parameters are usually unknown. On the other hand, direct 
problem solving (Ulaby, 1998), where the SAR backscattering 
is modelled from the actual physical parameters (simulation), is 
still needed to find optimal SAR parameters (wavelength. 
polarization and look angle) for biomass estimation. Simulation 
is also needed to gain understanding of complex scattering 
mechanism of the microwaves from crop vegetation. 
The Finnish Geodetic Institute (FGI) has conducted research in 
the field of agricultural remote sensing since the beginning of 
1990's. The early studies using CGMS (Crop Growth 
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