Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 7)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004 
in August, when ripening begins. An example of lodging is 
represented in Figure 5, where an extensive area of lodging was 
detected on 24 July 2003. On the upper part of Figure 5 there is 
a multitemporal Envisat SAR image, which comprises of 
images taken on 14 July and 11 August 2003. Nearly 8096 of 
the crops were flattened in the middle part of the parcel as can 
be seen in the photograph taken on 11 August 2003. The lodged 
area in the SAR image somewhat corresponded to the area what 
was mapped in the field surveys. Anyhow, the rest of the 8 
lodged fields could not be detected from SAR images, 
accordingly it seems that it is not possible to see lodging 
reliably from Envisat SAR images. Most likely the reason for 
this is, again, that the spatial resolution and radiometric 
accuracy of Envisat SAR images is not enough compared to the 
small size of parcels in Finland. 
Figure 5. Yield damages caused by lodging in the test area in 
3.3 Yield estimation using SAR images 
Spring sown oats, barley and wheat are the major cereal crops 
in the Seinäjoki test area. Although, the crop yields are 
relatively low compared to the yields in the southern latitudes, 
there is interest in the crop yield estimation in Finland. 
Nowadays field agents of the Ministry of the Agriculture and 
Forestry prepare the crop yield estimation on a subjective basis. 
In Figure 3, in case of cereal crops, can be seen a slight increase 
(3-4 dB) in SAR backscattering from the end of June till the end 
of August when harvesting starts. At the same time soil surface 
moisture in Figure 4 seems to be relatively constant. The 
increase in the SAR backscattering seems to correspond to the 
increase in the crop height, which might make crop yield 
estimation indirectly possible. Problem is that the increase in 
SAR backscattering has been obtained by averaging large areas 
of same crops, and for example in Finland parcels are so small 
that backscattering time series cannot be calculated for small 
parcels using Envisat SAR images. 
3.4 Summary of the suitability of Radarsat-1 and Envisat 
SAR systems for agricultural monitoring in Finland 
Table 2 summarizes our experiences in agricultural monitoring 
using satellite SAR images. The statements in Table 2 are based 
on our experiences of Radarsat-1 and Envisat SAR images in 
2001 and 2003. 
Table 2. Summary of the experiences of Radarsat-1 and Envisat 
SAR images in agricultural monitoring in Finland. 
Application | Radarsat-1 (HH) Envisat (V V/VH) 
Cultivation Detection of | VV polarization might be used 
practises sowed fields is | for detecting sowing date. 
very good, which 
could be used to 
trigger the yield 
prediction model 
Yield Flooding in the | There were no flooding in 2003 
damages fields can be | season, but presumably HH 
detected very | polarization is better for 
reliably. Damages | flooding detection. Lodging 
caused by lodging | could not be detected. 30 meters 
could not be | spatial resolution hinders the 
detected. usability of the Envisat SAR 
Yield Not adequate for | Not adequate for individual 
estimation individual parcels, | parcels, but when large areas are 
but seems to be | averaged crop growth can be 
usable when large | seen. Cross-polarization VH is 
areas of same | probably best for the crop 
crops are averaged | biomass estimation, but noise 
equivalent 6° of Envisat SAR is 
too high to see low vegetation. 
Agricultural applications, such as the monitoring of cultivation 
practises, estimation of crop yield and mapping of yield 
damages, are among the most promising civilian application 
areas of SAR images in the future. However, considerable 
amount of research needs to be done to retrieve information 
from SAR images. It is evident that several SAR images are 
needed to cover the whole growing season from the sowing to 
the harvesting. These multitemporal SAR images then provide a 
time series of SAR backscattering for agricultural fields. 
Multitemporal changes in SAR backscattering correspond to the 
variations in physical parameters of the agricultural fields, such 
as soil moisture, soil surface roughness, vegetation biomass and 
vegetation moisture. According to our experience, an 
approximate sowing date for individual parcel can be detected 
reliable, because there is a big change in the soil surface 
roughness from ploughed to sowed field. Crop growth or the 
increase of the vegetation biomass can be seen in the 
backscattering time series, but large areas of same crops must 
be averaged because of the SAR speckle and poor spatial 
resolution of satellite SAR systems. The change in the 
backscattering is in order of 2 to 4 dB in C-band in all 
polarizations. Crop yield damages caused by lodging were 
detected only in very few cases and in this case the spatial 
resolution must be in order of few meters before variations 
within parcel can be seen. 
Envisat SAR backscattering time series from 2003 will be 
analysed in more detail. The agricultural research using the 
SAR imag 
SAR imag 
still waits 
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