Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 7)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004 
characteristics of NDVI in the spring season. The NDVI values 
over winter wheat showed the distinctive maximum in the first- 
May and the sharp decrease after the time of maximum. Mixed 
vegetation was a category comprised with rural settlements, 
vegetable fields, bushes, miscellaneous grasses and small trees, 
and its NDVI recorded the lower values than winter wheat 
before May and the higher in June. The NDVI values over bare 
land were the constantly lowest among the categories. The 
category of forest showed the increasing tendency of NDVI in 
the spring season and the level in June was higher than that of 
mixed vegetation. From the practical point of view, the author 
excluded forest and employed 3 categories for the further 
examination, because forest area having a considerable acreage 
was appeared only in a small part of the plain. 
End-member values of NDVI of specific land use estimated by 
the method mentioned above might not be fit each other among 
counties. One of the causes could be the heterogeneous 
distribution of atmospheric effect on the value of digital data. 
Accuracy of geometric correction would be another cause 
because the pixel value was sensitive to the components of land 
use, which might be considerably modified by the slight gap of 
location. Actually end-member values of winter wheat 
calculated for 7 counties show similar temporal profile but 
difference of the values in some cases (Figure 3). Therefore, the 
author employed the averaged values to estimate winter wheat 
sown area in this study. 
07 r —Q—— Shunyi 
a — Xushui 
0.6 F ANE —1x—— Dacheng 
—€— Wuyi 
05r ^. ——3K——- Yangxin 
——OÓ—— Gaotang 
I 04 FX ——1 — Feixiang 
Qu /]| NN (mir wi. mean 
7 03} 
02 + 
01 FF 
0 1 À 1 1 1 A 1 1 J 
© OO. oc o — © © O 9 
e — e e — N e + N 
I I I | | | | | | 
N . yous CN — CN : -— 
aia ; x 2 e : 
A. o A © > > = c 
Figure 3. Comparison of temporal change of end-member 
values of winter wheat 
A constraint in the first method exists in the condition that it 
could require end-member values, which were obtained by the 
combination of the high spatial resolution data. This condition 
may not be satisfied for the wide area in the appropriate season 
of sequential years. The second method had an intention to 
mitigate this constraint. Figure 4 depicts the relation between 2- 
temporal values of NDVI at mid-May and mid-June and the 
probability density of land use in a pixel for the case of Shunyi 
county, where a larger circle indicates the higher probability 
density, e.g. the largest one is 95% followed by 85%, 75%, so 
on. This figure evidently shows the feature that the position 
would approach to the vertex of a triangle for the type of winter 
wheat, bare land and forest according to the increase of 
probability density. 
fi Q winter wheat 
S O mixed vegetation 
> © bare land 
9 0.25 F 
I ® forest 
T2902 k 
2 015 + 
> 01 F 
= 0 i A 1 À A J 
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 
Maximum NDVI (May 11-20) 
Figure 4. Relation between 2-temporal NDVI and the 
probability density of land use 
Figure 5 shows the values of winter wheat for 7 counties. It is 
recognized that there is a common point, to which all the values 
approach in accordance with the increase of probability density. 
This could induce a schematic diagram as described in Figure 6. 
© Shunyi 
03r G Dacheng 
S OFeixiang 
v 025 F O Gaotang 
= @Wuyi 
£ 02 F > O Xushui 
= Q Yangxin 
= 0.15 
= 0.1 
2 ° 
'* 005 F 
0 L À 1 d 1 J 
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 
Maximum NDVI (May 11-20) 
Figure 5. Comparison of allocation by the probability density of 
winter wheat sown area 
NDVI (mid June) 
Winter wheat (096) 
dense X 
Winter wheat (0%) 
NDVI (mid May) 
Figure 6. Schematic diagram of relation between winter wheat 
percentage and 2-temporal NDVI 
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Figure 7 sh 
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