Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 7)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004 
identified them into four integration methods: the direct use of a 
driving variable estimated from remote sensing information; the 
updating of a state variable of the model; the re-initialization of 
the model; and the re-calibration of the model. The temporal 
resolution of remote sensing data is so difficult to reach the time 
step requirement of crop models (from daily to weekly) that the 
direct use of a driving variable method is rarely the case. But 
the other three methods have been tested. Reynolds et al. (2000) 
developed an operational crop yield model in Kenya by 
introducing real-time satellite imagery into a GIS and the Crop 
Specific Water Balance (CSWB) model of FAO. Clevers et al. 
(1996) used ground and airborne radiometric measurements 
over sugar beet fields to calibrate the SUCROS model. The 
adjusted parameters and initial conditions were sowing date, a 
erowth rate, light use efficiency and maximum leaf area. More 
current researches were focused on estimating LAI from optical 
remote sensing data, because LAI is the key variable during the 
whole yield simulation in most of the mechanistic models. 
Guerif et al. (2000) coupled the radiative transfer model SAIL 
with the crop model SUCROS to re-estimate crop stand 
establishment parameters and initial conditions for sugar beet 
crops. Paul et al. (2003) used the SAIL model to link the EPIC 
model with satellite data in the spring wheat yield estimation of 
North Dakota. It was evident that how to measure or estimate 
the input parameters describing crop canopy characteristics in 
regional level for radiative transfer model is the key factor for 
coupling radiative transfer model to crop models. If the standard 
LAI product acquired by the Moderate Resolution Imaging 
Spectroradiometer (MODIS) can be validated and be proved to 
be suit for integration. of crop productivity models, the 
operational yield assessment in regional level will be available. 
The objective of this study is to develop one operational crop 
yield model in regional level (North China) that integrates the 
USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) EPIC 
(Erosion Productivity Impact Calculator) model with NASA 
MODIS LAI product, ground-based ancillary data, and a 
Geographical Information System (GIS). 
The study area is North China, which includes Beijing and 
Tianjin, the two municipalities, Hebei, Shanxi, Shandong and 
Henan Provinces (Figure 1). The area studied is 110^ E-123"E 
longitude by 30" N- 43^N latitude and about 0.69 Million km”. 
Figure 1. The study region of North China covers a 6.9 X 10? 
km" area (110 E-123 E longitude and 30 N-43 N latitude) 
The North China lies in semi-arid and semi-humid zone with an 
annual temperature sum of some 4800°C (>0°C), a spatially 
and temporally strongly variable annual precipitation sum of 
some 600 mm and cumulative annual radiation around 
5200MJ/m°. The area is one of the most important grain 
production bases of China and plays an important role in the 
national food security. The population, cultivated land and crop 
production in 2000 have been reached to 24%, 22% and 25% of 
the national total respectively. The most widely distributed 
crops in North China are wheat in winter and corn in summer. 
In this section, the crop productivity model (EPIC model) used 
in the analysis, the method for integrating GIS with EPIC model, 
and the processing method of combining MODIS LAI product 
to spatial EPIC model are described. 
3.4 EPIC Model 
EPIC operates on a daily time step to simulate 
evapotranspiration, soil temperature, crop potential growth, 
growth constraints (water stress, stress due to high or low 
temperature, nitrogen and phosphorus stress) and yield. EPIC 
uses a single model for simulating all crops, each crop has 
unique values for model parameters, which can be adjusted or 
created by the user as needed. The crop growth model uses 
radiation-use efficiency in calculating photosynthetic 
production of biomass. The potential biomass is adjusted daily 
for stress from the following factors: water, temperature, 
nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus), aeration and radiation. 
Crop yields are estimated using the harvest index concept. 
Harvest index are calculated from accumulated Leaf Area Index 
(LAI), which increases as a non-linear function of heat units 
from zero at the planting stage to the maximum value and then 
declines from the maximum value to the low value or zero at 
maturity. The harvest index may be reduced by high 
temperature, low solar radiation, or water stress during critical 
crop stages. Therefore, LAI is one of the most important 
variables in EPIC model, which influences the simulation for 
Photosynthetic Active Radiation (PAR); Potential Biomass 
Increase; Harvest Index and Crop Yield. 
3.2 Integrating GIS with EPIC Model 
In order to facilitate the storage, manipulation, and handling of 
complex EPIC spatial information, it is necessary to input all 
raw spatial data into a geographical information system. The 
data handling and analysis, which involves data editing, 
conversion, interpolation, and overlay, can lead to the 
application of GIS. With the aid of GIS, it is possible for the 
EPIC to simulate crop yields efficiently at regional scale, and to 
allow a flexible presentation of results according to the user's 
There are several different approaches to integrate GIS with 
simulation models, such as the embedding method, loose 
coupling, and the tight coupling method. In this study, the loose 
coupling approach was used to integrate GIS with the EPIC. 
This approach uses two different packages directly. One is a 
standard GIS package (Arcview GIS3.2) and another is EPIC 
program (EPIC version 8120). They are integrated by 
combining various data layers on the physical aspects of 
agricultural environments such as soil, landform, and climate, 
via data exchange using either ASCII or binary data format 

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