hul 2004
H. M. R. Alves**, T. G. C. Vieira ", M. P. C. Lacerda ©, M. A. Bertoldo ", H. Andrade ^
“Embrapa Café, CxP 176, Epamig/CTSM, 37200-000, Lavras, MG, Brasil -
*EPAMIG/CTSM, CxP 76, 37200-000, Lavras, MG, Brasil — (tatiana, matilde)
“ UnB, CxP 04508 - Asa Norte, 70910-970, Brasilia, DF, Brasil -
* UFLA, CxP 37, 37200-000, Lavras, MG, Brasil -
Session PS, WG VII/2
KEY WORDS: Agriculture, Environment, GIS, Land Use, Land Cover, Landscape Modelling, Soil Mapping
Coffee is one of Brazil's most important cash crops and the state of Minas Gerais is responsible for approximately 5096 of the
national production. However, in spite of its importance, updated information about the areas occupied by the crop in the state is
scarce. This work presents the characterization of coffee agroecosystems of Minas Gerais and evaluates the relationships between the
crop and the environment. The study was carried out in three 520 km? pilot areas, representative of the production regions of Alto
Paranaiba (Patrocínio) and Sul de Minas (Sdo Sebastido do Paraíso and Machado). The data was obtained from secondary
information, interpretation of satellite images and complementary field surveys. GIS and remote sensing were used to integrate and
model the data from different sources, to map coffee areas and produce thematic maps from each environment. A
geomorphopedological model was used to map the main soil classes. The relationships between environment and coffee production
in the selected areas were assessed and quantified. The results showed the main soil, slope and altitude classes in which the crop is
cultivated, emphasizing the relations between crop management practices and limitations imposed by the environment. The use of
Landsat images in the mapping of coffee areas, although presenting problems to be solved, constituted an advance over the
traditional methodologies, especially for the gently undulating landscape of the cerrado ecosystem of the western region of the state,
where the coffee fields are more extensive and homogeneous. The information obtained can subsidize regional land use planning.
1 INTRODUCTION assessing and updating environmental information (Burrough &
Mcdonnell, 1998).
Coffee is one of Brazil’s most important crops, due to the
incomes generated by exportation and the social benefits the Due to the constant changes observed in the state's coffee
coffee agribusiness propitiates. However, in spite of its production sector during the last decades and as a requirement
importance, updated information about the areas occupied by for future planning, it is important to characterize these areas
the crop is scarce and when available, normally at high levels of and establish efficient methodologies to map and monitor these
aggregation and/or small scales. The state of Minas Gerais is fields, with the possibility of an easier periodical updating of the
responsible for approximately half of the national production, information. ;
concentrated mainly in its southern region, which accounts for
approximately 50% of the state’s total production. Nevertheless, This work is part of a project to characterize coffee
the greatest expansion of coffee fields in Minas Gerais has been agroecosystems of the state of Minas Gerais using
observed in the regions of Alto Paranaiba and Triangulo geotecnologies to evaluate the relationships between the
Mineiro, both in the region now known as coffee of the cerrado. physical environment, emphasizing soils and relief, and local
This region presents today the highest area and productivity coffee production systems. It is expected that the quantitative
growth rates observed in the state. Since 1984/85, the number of and spatial information obtained can subsidize better regional
coffee producing properties increased 40% and the increase in land use planning.
the area occupied by the crop and the number of productive
coffee plants was even more expressive, reaching 150%
Sound agricultural planning requires, first, the knowledge of the To characterize the main coffee agroecosystems of Minas
environment in which the activity is inserted. The Gerais, two of the most important production regions where
characterization of complex environments such agroecosystems selected, the physiographic regions of Sul de Minas and Alto
usually required their subdivision into more homogeneous Paranaiba. Due to differences observed in the environment and
segments, which, after the characterization, were reintegrated coffee management practices, within the Sul de Minas region
into the whole ecosystem. Information systems however, have two representative pilot areas of 520 km2 were chosen, one
modified the methodology used in the survey of natural around the city of Machado and the other around the city of Sao
resources. Combining the advances of digital cartography, Sebastido do Paraiso. To represent the region of Alto Paranaiba,
database management systems and remote sensing with the another 520 square kilometers study area around the city of
development of geographical analysis, GIS offers a new way for Patrocinio was selected.