Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 7)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004 
paddy area to statistical data in districts level. 
Test site “Owari seibu” is located center of Japan and its 
center position is East 136° 45’, North 35° 12’ (40km X 3. ANALYSIS METHODS 
50km, Fig.1) . 
E 145 
.20.1p N db ee. 17. May. 02 20. May. 02 26. May 5. June. 02 
3 rocess in, 
Sappdr D E 
t Geo metric correction 
E 135 Y Digital map 
: Select paddy field 1 25,009 
elect pa le area 
N 40° —A— y 
f 10m Mesh Land 
j < ; Use Unsupervised 
: gh Ó classif icat ion (ETM+) 
E 130 bob] € T 
| E 4 | Identify land cover (ETM+) 
| N 26? ? Tokvoe > Dec ide thre shho | d (SAR-C) 
rpaddy | N 35 Le TT] de rM 
| 7 4 
: = sno d Overlay two image and 
'f about v A reclass the data 
; (17.May & 20. Ma 
| Owari y » 
SAR-C, Overlay two image and 
Seibu Le] reclass the data 
(17.20. May & 26. May) 
Overlay two image and cs 
» reclass the data um 
lite and 
(17. 20. 26. May & 5. June) data in 200 
us : Fig.1 Test site location District ym MD 
| ooded paddy fields 
Paddy field is main land use in this area. Nowadays, 
iount ol agricultural land is decreasing by the urbanization and yield Fig2 Diagram of monitoring preparatory water 
{ paddy control of the government. Cultivating pattern changes by the in paddy irrigation 
bank of | farmer's oldness and the concentration of working day 
The outline of analysis is shown in Fig.3 and details are as 
(especially holiday). The term of transplanting is from 1 May to 
by the | 10 June. It is divided three terms, early term (from 1 to 10 
| (1) Each images is cut from original. Landsat/ETM+ is used 
iltering. | May), standard I (from 20 to 31 May), standard II (from 1 to 10 
| seven bands (bandl-5 and band7). RDARSAT images are 
Ogawa June). 
translated from original digital number to back scatter 
tion by | Time series satellite images are two RADARSAT/SAR-C 
; coefficient (dB). We processed the RADARSAT image 
1, ditch | and two Landsat/ETM+ data (Table 1). We used 10m digital 
| acquired on 26 May 2002 using filtering methods 
| paddy | map (land use map in Nagoya area, 1977) to select the paddy 
| (Gamma-MAP filter, widow size 7X7, coefficient of 
sat/TM area. We also used 25000 digital map (1:25000 scale) for the 
| variation 0.2) to reduce the speckle noise. 
reference of geo-metric correction. We compared estimated S. v 
(2) Each images is geo-corrected referring to 25000 digital map 
Table 1 List of used satellite data for flooded paddy (mesh size 2.5m) by the Polynomial, most neighborhood. 
data to 
fields in Owari Seibu. Geo-corrected pixel sizes are 30m in Landsat/ETM, 8m in 
Acquisition Satellit S Resolu Orbit Beam 
: date, time BES ESS Sonim) Mode RADARSAT (17 May), 3m in RADARSAT (26 May). 
a base 
2002/May/17 RADARSAT SAR-C 8  Descend Standard 1 Ground control points are selected and RMSE is within 0.5 
fficient. - 
2002/May/20 Landsat-7 ETM+ 30  Descend pixel size. 
2002/May/26 RADARSAT SAR-C 3.125 Ascend Fine 3 
2002/June/5 Landsat-7 ETM+ 30 Descend = —499 

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