Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 7)

ul 2004 International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004 
relationship with statistical value (shown in Fig.5, number of (number of districts are 18, ’=0.990, RMSE= 29.7ha). 
districts are 32, 170.999, RMSE-21.5ha, y=1.12x). Though 
land use map shows in 1997, there is no reclamation of 4.4 Identification of paddy field 
paddy fields in Japan recent years. Referred to Ogawa et al. Fig.7 shows distribution of preparatory water in district 
(1990), classified paddy fields from Landsat/TM are unit. This percentage shows flooded paddy / total flooded 
contains branch road, farm ditch, ditch border and levee area. 
Simply sum up of paddy fields pixel results over estimate. In 
e m this classified image classified paddy contains these land ? (e) 
condition Sat? 
; © 
use. $ 200 
ld 3 
4.3 Estimation of flooded paddy field area à 600 
ay) are | Xx 
| We summed up flooded paddy field and estimate the area = 
entified | s 400 
using relationship got from Fig.5. We selected districts in 2 
which transplanting would be finished (shown in Fig.6, c 
| = e o 
6 May) = 200 
number of districts are 20, r=0.968). There are two = r°-0.968 
d on 26 2 
parenthetic points and these districts contain lotus field. 0 b 
; reason 
0 200 400 600 800 1000 
} Lotus field cover with water in this season and is classified 
f beam Statistical area (ha) 
as flooded paddy field. If two districts are removed, : 
p y « Fig. Comparison between estimation of flooded paddy 
fields area of districts and statistics 
1er than 
ied estimation of flooded paddy field area becomes higher 
ied to 
ry high — | 
Fig.8 Distribution of preparatory water in paddy irrigation 21 -26 May 
vom 27 May - 5 June 
winter wheat 
-]not irrigated paddy 

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