Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 7)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004 
as modern agriculture, the presence of artificial raw materials 
created by man is necessary. The cost / benefit must be 
constantly observed, since in the measure that population 
requests more safe raw materials the synthesis cost of new 
molecules is high. Suppliers of raw materials, producers and 
consumers must be constantly in touch and showing the 
strength of each sector in search of a maintainable agriculture 
and cattle raising activity in economical, environmental and 
social aspects. 
The soil survey searches for the recognition of the genetic 
characteristics of the soils in a scale that offers informations to 
the distinguished handling of each pedologic unit. With the 
mapping it is possible to treat the different units with 
distinguished handlings bringing less risks to the environment, 
rationalization of raw materials and a better domain of the soil- 
plant factors. Integrating precision agricultural tools it is 
possible to apply raw materials to the variable rates, magnifying 
doses in determinated areas and lessen others. 
The collect of agrimeteorologic data allows to collect events 
that help in the understanding of the effects of precipitation, 
temperatures and of the correlations with evapotranspiration in 
the different phases of development of the economic cultivated 
cultures. Meteorologic stations allow the collect with precision 
of what happens during the day, month and year. Modelling of 
these variables allows a better understanding at long term of the 
beneficial effects and the regional characteristics, allowing 
crossing of data with the different kind of soils of the region 
and to recognise the levels of storage of water in the soil, to 
know the evapotranspiration and its influence to the different 
The use of softwares that help the taking of decisions has been 
largely used in the big size estates. The rural producer and his 
business in the country has been the weaker link in the 
productive chains, due to the climatic risks, variation of prices 
and the lack of devices of protection of the front sector to the 
developed countries. 
On one side, the developed countries and Brazil's competitors 
on the globalized markets perform subsidies as a way to 
guarantee a parcel of theirs population in the agricultural and 
cattle raising activity. On the other side, they create difficulties 
to the entering of brazilian products in their countries, disguised 
as phytosanitarian barriers. 
For this and others reasons, that is why the agricultural 
businessmen must amplify the knowledges of its costs allowing 
that the profits of the activity could be utilized in a safe manner. 
Administration softwares must be used as a way to control the 
financial resources inside of each business. To integrate 
technical and financial aspects is an attitude that distinguish 
those considered efficient and in plain development. 
The recognition of the sector results and of each crop allows to 
identify with safety the economic recession years. In these 
periods, the producer recognises the areas of cost that must 
suffer alterations without put into risk the activity. 
In years of good price the producer does safe investments, such 
as the purchase of lands, renewal of the fleet, correction of 
areas with raw materials, amplification of the physical structure. 
Only with the domain of these tools is that activities of risk as 
agricultural and cattle raising must become profitable to its 
Consumers of the developed countries demand products with 
well known origin. By trackability is understood the need of 
registries that allow the consultation by the buyers and 
consumers on the final end of the chain of any and all raw 
material used in the manufacturing of a determined product. 
With the arrival of the Genetic Modified Organisms - GMO's - 
part of consumers' society saw themselves compelled to 
demand from the supervising organisations ways to control 
products free of transgenics. It was the beginning of the 
trackability that nowadays acts on the markets of meat, dairy 
products and commodities like soya, wheat and maize. Tools of 
geotechnology allow the recognition of the production areas, as 
well as the crossing with a data bank where are inserted the 
information and the application of each raw material for the 
attainment of these products. 
One of the great restrictions of the adoption of new 
technologies as the precision agriculture in Brazil is, without 
doubt, the lack of basic information in order to producers and 
technique consultants could take better decisions. 
In Brazil, there are not available soil maps in scale that allow to 
know the soil characteristics of the boards and consequent 
differentiable management in these unities. 
The cartographic information are not enough to projections, 
even in regional ambit, with lack of digital maps. 
The same way, the climatic informations are in scale that do not 
allow regional detailing, in order of understanding the possible 
interaction between climate variability and the productivity. 
This does not make impracticable the awake of a great group of 
producers. On Parana State, in the area of performance of ABC 
Foundation, tools of administration are beginning to be daily 
used. GPS equipments, softwares of economic administration, 
data bank, gathering of climate information, mapping of soils, 
environmental legalisation, investments in regional agricultural 
and cattle raising researches, cooperativist culture, investments 
in agrieconomic consultancy are some of the differentiations for 
those who are concerned in keep themselves in the activity. 
Plagues, diseases and harmful plants are now georeferenced, 
allowing the monitoring of the populations and their 
correlations with the regional environment. 
Multinational companies invest in technical cooperation 
projects to develop and introduce new concepts. Only this way, 
with the participation of the representatives of each link of the 
chains, we will have more sustainability of the agricultural 
Many question are being asked about the factors that limit the 
increase of productivity, precision agriculture can answer than. 
The agriculture areas present a variability on the efficiency 
characterized by the use of precision agriculture tools. 
Precision agriculture offer a new way to administration the 
farms. The technology use different tools, like GPS, sensors 
onboard in a number of equipments and implements, softwares 
that allow the correlation of the data and the formulation of 
different strategies to administration of the rural estates. 

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