Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 7)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004 
that no interpretation procedure provides ‘new’ information; at 
best it reveals information that was hidden in the (collected and/or 
estimated) basic data and does so with varying accuracy. In this 
research we will try to (partly) alleviate this drawback by making 
use of multisensor satellite observations. 
1.2 Objectives 
The overall aim of this research is to develop knowledge and 
technology for crop production monitoring based on multi-sensor 
satellite data. The objective is to assess if an improvement in a 
crop production estimate can be obtained when the temporal 
resolution of parameter values are increased by combining data 
from satellites of different nature, and to see if this enhances the 
detection of periods when the crop is subjected to stress. 
Analytical models of biophysical production potential of annual 
food and fiber crops have been built and tested in The 
Netherlands and elsewhere since the 1960's (De Wit and Penning 
de Vries, 1985). These models account for the dynamics of crop 
growth by dividing the crop cycle in successive (short) time 
intervals during which processes are assumed to take place at 
steady rates. ‘State variables” such as leaf, root, stem and storage 
organ masses indicate the state of the system during a particular 
interval; their values are updated after each cycle of interval 
calculations. The relative simplicity and low data needs of these 
production situation analyses allow to accurately quantifying 
reference yield (i.e. the harvested produce) and production (i.e. 
total dry plant mass) levels, but for regional applications adequate 
basic data availability is a concern. As an adaptation from 
algorithms documented by Driessen and Konijn (1992), the crop 
growth simulation model (PSn) programmed for this research 
follows a similar line of reasoning but tries to improve upon its 
regional applicability by incorporating satellite derived parameter 
2.1 Crop growth simulation 
As a minimum configuration, known as ‘Production Situation 1' 
(PS-1), the model represents a simplified Land Use System in 
which production and yield are solely determined by the available 
light, the temperature and the photosynthetic mechanism of the 
PS-1: P,Y = filight, temperature, C3/C4) 
The levels of crop production and yield calculated for PS-1 are 
not the actual production and yield but potentials that are 
normally only realized at experiment stations where even the last 
weed plant or bug is mercilessly eliminated, irrespective of cost. 
In many regions, water availability to the crop is the main 
constraint to crop growth. Water is needed in great quantity (in 
dry regions a maize crop may well transpire 1 cm of water on a 
clear sunny day, equivalent to 100,000 1 ha''d''). Irrigation (and/or 
drainage) requires expensive infrastructure and skilled labour to 
restrict losses to the minimum and prevent soil degradation, e.g. 
caused by accumulation of soluble salts in the root zone. It has 
therefore been tried tó extend the model with a water budget 
routine that matches actual consumptive water use with the crop's 
water requirement, i.e. with the theoretical transpiration rate of a 
constraint-free crop. The so-defined ‘Production Situation 2° (PS- 
2) calculates the ‘water-limited production potential’ of the crop 
as a function of available light, temperature, photosynthetic 
mechanism and available water: 
PS-2: PY = flight, temperature, C3/C4, water) (Eq.2) 
In production environments where the crop's consumptive water 
needs are met at all times, the water-limited production potential 
is equal to the biophysical production potential because actual 
crop transpiration is equal to the theoretical maximum rate. If 
water uptake by the roots is less than required to meet the 
maximum transpiration needs, actual transpiration is limited to the 
actual water uptake rate. In this case the ‘water sufficiency 
coefficient’ (¢fH20) assumes a value <1.0 and assimilation and 
growth are less than in Production Situation 1 due to water stress. 
2.2 Crop stress and canopy heating 
Incident radiation heats the canopy whereas transpiration cools it 
(Barros 1997; Kalluri and Townshed 1998). The fraction of the 
incoming radiation that is available for heating the canopy is set 
equal to the net intercepted radiation minus the energy needed for 
assimilation and for the vaporization of water lost in actual 
transpiration. The sensible heat component of the energy balance 
equation is approximated from the instantaneous temperature 
difference between air temperature and canopy temperature of a 
crop surface. More rigorous considerations of the momentum flux 
theory are provided by, inter alia, Bastiaanssen (1998) and Parodi 
(2000); isolated terms of the energy balance equation essential for 
this research are detailed below. The energy balance equation is 
given by the form: 
INTER - net radiation intercepted by the canopy, 
INRAD - sensible heat exchangeable crop canopy and air, 
TRLOSS - latent heat flux to the air due to canopy transpiration, 
MISCLOSS = miscellaneous energy transfer components. 
Assuming /NRAD can be measured or modelled within the error 
margin of satellite-derived estimates, and that the components 
represented by MISCLOSS are comparatively small (and can be 
ignored from the equation) the energy balance equation takes the 
following form: (Rosenberg 1983; Driessen and Konijn,1992). 
The latent heat flux can be isolated from the energy balance 
equation using a similar formulation as used by Soer (1980): 
TRLOSS = (INTER) - [sumus 
INTER = intercepted radiation /J m* d'], 
AT = temperature difference between canopy and air /K7, 
VHEATCAP - volumetric heat capacity /J m^ K /] 
Quantifying aerodynamic resistance to heat transport is far from 
easy. A semi-empirical equation that maintains its integrity at low 
wind speed (Jackson et al 1988) is: 
AERODR = 4.72{In[z-d)/z0]k}2 / (1 + 0.54U) (Eq.6) 
For non-neutral conditions (i.e. ‘measurable 47 *)), AERODR 
varies non-linearly with temperature; approximate values are 
obtained with iterative methods. 
TRLOSS represents the energy needed to vaporize the water lost 
in actual transpiration by the crop: 

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