Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 7)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004 
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B asia à IR2-ch5 
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Hurridity (52) 
Figure 1. Influence of water vapour on differences in brightness 
temperatures for the GMS-5/NOAA-14 split-window 
channels (from Tokuno M., 1997) 
Figure 1 shows the influence of water vapor by relating the 
brightness temperature difference for /R/ vs. Ch4 and IR2 vs. Ch5 
at increasing levels of humidity. The sensitivity of /R/ is almost 
the same as that of Ch4, whereas the sensitivity of /R2 is greater 
than CA5 for higher humidity levels as can be seen form the 
increasing /R2-Ch5 values. This is possibly caused by instrument 
differences between the two satellites. 
6 8 10 12 14 
Wavelength A (pm) 
Instrument response curve for NOAA-14/AVHRR and 
GMS-5/VISSR (after Yuichiroh, 2004) 
Figure 2. 
Figure 2 shows the normalized response curves (to a value of 1) 
of the two instruments as a function of wavelength after 
Yuichiroh (2004). Small, but apparently significant band-to-band 
wavelength and response function differences call for a careful 
selection of split-window algorithms for parallel land surface 
temperature retrieval, inter alia crop canopy temperature, from the 
two satellites. 
2.2.4 Crop canopy temperature retrieval from GMS-5 and 
NOAA-14: The retrieval of canopy temperatures from satellite 
data is based on the Stephan-Boltzman black body emission 
R = gc0T4 (Eq.17) 
Where: : 
R — is radiation emitted by the surface (W m") 
07 5.672 x 10 * Wm"? K* (the Stephan-Boltzman constant) 
£97 emissivity of the surface 
T — surface temperature /K7 
The emissivity term in the equation is a measure of the efficiency 
with which the surface emits energy. A perfect emitter, the black 
body, has an emissivity of 1. The black body is a theoretical 
concept whose behaviour does not exist in nature. The emissivity 
of most natural bodies lies between 0.91 and 0.98 in the thermal 
wave region 8-14 jum (Qin and Karnieli, 1999). Actual surface 
emissivity depends on surface characteristics such as the 
vegetation and the surface wetness, so that its diurnal variation is 
expected to be relatively small but day-to-day variation can be 
significant. We estimated the surface emissivity from 
NOAA/AVHRR visible channels by interpolating in-between days 
when NOAA-14 observations were contaminated but GMS$-5 
observations were cloud-free so temperature and emissivity 
separation was still needed. The procedure is the same as Kerr et 
al. (1992) and Sobrino et al. (2000), who estimated narrow-band 
emissivity semi-empirically from a Normalized Difference 
Vegetation Index (NDVI). The optical imagery from which this 
NDVI is computed are atmospherically corrected based on the 
SMAC-algorithm (Simplified Method for Atmospheric Correction 
of Satellite Measurements in the Solar Spectrum) using standard 
atmospheric conditions (Rahman, H., and G. Dedieu, 1994). 
For observations from the polar-orbiting satellite the split-window 
algorithm developed by Coll and Caselles (1997) was selected to 
estimate maize crop canopy temperatures. The algorithm was 
selected based on the notion that it accounts better for water 
vapour then the split-window algorithm commonly applied, and 
because it has been calibrated for data from the two satellites used 
in this study. This in turn helps to improve to the consistency of 
the inference. The algorithm was calibrated for GMS-5 by 
Yuichiroh (2004) and used to estimate canopy temperatures in- 
between days NOAA-14 observations were contaminated. This 
algorithm takes the following form: 
To - c (TH y. * e3TI HF es TILTI2 * c,(TI2)Y + Offset (Eq.18) 
Ty = surface temperature [K] 
T11, T12 = split-window brightness temperature [K] 
The regression coefficient *c; corrects for atmospheric water 
vapor; and the offset corrects for surface emissivity in bands 77/ 
and 772. For applications to geo-stationary satellites the split- 
window algorithm takes the same form, except that the regression 
coefficient ‘c;’ also accounts for the optical path length based on 
the satellite zenith angle. In addition, the instantaneous amount of 
precipitable water (PW) is required in order to select the 
appropriate coefficients (c;) for a particular image scene. PW is 
derived using the VISSR/IR data (range: 0 — 5, precision: 0.01 g 
cm?), also utilizing a derivation of the split-window algorithm as 
proposed by Chester et al. (1987), which for cloud-free conditions 
takes the following form: 
PW = (1/0.095)[(1/see O)In[(T11-T,)/(T12-T,)]-0.025](Eq. 19) 
T, = air temperature (or 7//— 2.2) 
To derive land surface temperature it is essential to detect cloud- 
covered areas correctly because these equations are only available 
when the satellite receives radiation from the surface, and not 
from a cloud top. We utilized a cloud detection method which 
utilizes a combination of a semi-automated threshold brightness 
temperature T// filtering technique (unique for the two sensors) 
and a cas 
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Figure 3. 
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