Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 7)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004 
been much longer if its onset was wrongly estimated merely due 
to a lack of observations. 
9000 100 
8000 : 
Dry matter after 100 days : 7000 | 
Roots: 785. kgiha i 
— St 4153. kgha i 86000 - 
Leaves: 1560. kgha i] 
Storage: 8207. kgha | 5000 + 
1a g gna 2à 5000 
P } 4000 - 
/ i 
p | 3000 
7 i 2000 
ZL i 
: 1000 : 
mie 0 
Dry matter after 100 days : 
7000 | © 
Roots: 805. kgha 
- Stems: 4214. kgha 8000 
Leaves: 1617. kgha ed 
Storage: 8306. kg/ha 
1b pp ise 
ob The law 
HC "n 3000 
yd 2000 | 
Pt | 1000} 
or ^ 
ES at 1 a 
Planting time, Julian day number 
Figure 5. Dry matter growth curves simulated with the PS-n 
model on the basis of the canopy-ambient air 
temperature difference. 
Since the time-window for obtaining satellite data based on the 
NOAA-14 overpass ranges from 13.00 to 15.00 h, the introduction 
of GMS-5 data theoretically triples our chances since the satellites 
scans our area of interest every hour (approx. 13.00, 14.00 and 
15.00 h). With a bias towards obtaining additional cloud-free 
observations before, during and after these particular crop stress 
periods we were able to infer more AT values from GMS-5. Now 
32 cloud-free observations could be used compared to only 24 out 
of 100 days of the crop cycle when we relied on data form NOAA- 
14 alone. The robustness of the crop stress detection improved 
considerably, and seemed to confirm that the second period of 
stress (2a and 2b) was indeed as short as initially estimated. From 
five additional observations could be concluded there was indeed 
no canopy heating between JD 250 — 263. In addition, more 
observations during the first crop stress period could be obtained 
for days that were cloudy at the moment NOAA-14 passed, but 
cloud-free just after or before this moment when GMS-5 scanned 
our area of interest. The duration of the first stress period (la) 
now proved to be much shorter (JD: 182 — 184 instead of 178 — 
184) as indicated on the graph (1b), lower part of Figure 5. 
The results indicate that SOM values can be determined from the 
new method with a higher degree of certainty as compared to the 
existing method. When evaluated against SOM values as 
observed (8453 kg ha) at the experimental maize fields, the 
estimates are within an accuracy of about 150 kg ha’', a relative 
error of less than 1.8%. This also confirms our hypothesis that 
observations from geo-stationary satellites as an additional data 
source with a higher temporal frequency than measurements from 
polar orbiting satellites can be useful to explain temporal 
dynamics of crop stress in an effort to better estimate regional 
harvestable crop produce. 
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