Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 7)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004 Internat: 
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An imager to detect and correct the cloud and aerosol effect 1s GOSATSpectial Coverage i 
also borne together with the FTS. With the spectra, image data, 250 
and the retrieval algorithm to remove cloud and aerosol E Fang nin Ban? qo 
: i S t £n "yero 
contamination, the column density of the gases can be q 200 | Au Mam 1 m menn os 
leulated. = O2 0 CO2—— —-CH« — i 807 
calculate = 0.758 0.763 0.766 0.773 1.57 1.62 1.67 S 
Figure 7 shows the breadboard model of the FTS, which has 2 150 See Sead 8 06 
an = 
been tested and its performance demonstration from air planes E 00 20 = £ 05 
is planned. The measured data on the ground, shown as a 8 Lm > [606 né i £04 
sample in Figure 8, certainly detected the CO; and CH, spectra SO 203 2.08 4.0 45 50 à 03 
with 0.2 cm'' spectral resolution. à Band 5 d, oo 02 
0 eee MET em = 0.1 
3 6 9 12 15 00 i- 
Table |. The specification of the Greenhouse gases Sensor. wavelength qum 520€ 
Ground ! ointing Configuration cases se ames {fully redundant) Figure 4. The spectral coverage of the GOSAT FTS. 
Mechanism and Scanning Cross Track (+35 deg Figure 
Fore optics Along Track (+20deg) 18 
Field of view [FOV 8 km. 88km (Interval) f$ 
790 km (scan width) (latitude of 30 à. = 
deg) A 
Fourier Speed 0.7 1 (Interferogram)/sec / i X 
l'ransform Spectral I 2 3 4 5 / I X 
Spectromete band f i X NS 
r Coverage | 12900- | 5200- | 4800- | 2000- | 660- y | GOSAT 
(enl) 13200 | 6400 5200 2500 | 2000 y ! \ will be 
/ À . : 
resolution | 0.5 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 7 | X Figure € 
(em-1) | shows tl 
Detector Si InGaAs | InGaAs InSb PC- ea 
MCT { | 
Calibratio Solar Irradiance, Deep Space, | Blackbody, : e j | 
n Moon Deep space ix | Star 
Figure 5. Observation image. Tracke 
mm [am A, 
€ gps y iid d 
GPS receiver Ÿ , 
e Star Tracker Greenl 
Ground Pointing cases € 
e un Es Ka 
a n Size 
ia Satellite Direction Mass 
Figure 2. Instrument configuration. Cross rack {along wack) Power 
Life Spa 
P Orbit 
("re T Telemeti 
| Camera and 
vi Launch 
Ground Pointing Mechanism 
La x Scene flux fom +2 
Figure 3. The FTS optical layout 
(PRR) ii 
bp d an arpa e The brea 
Figure 7. GOSAT FTS bread board model. looking 

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