Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 7)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004 
Total suitable areas in Cox's Bazar and Khulna-Sathkhira 
study areas are 29,020 hectares and 1, 29,452 hectares 
respectively. These areas included existing shrimp area, as 
well as, other land use classes considered for evaluation of 
suitability of shrimp farming. However, in both the study 
areas, high potential of extension of shrimp farming exists. 
Considering the higher suitability classes, 9,495 hectares in 
Cox's Bazar area (table 9) and 53,612 hectares in Khulna- 
Sathkhira area can be extended for shrimp farming. 
Coastal aquaculture contributes a small part to the gross 
domestic product (GDP) of Bangladesh, its role as foreign 
exchange earner is of considerable significance. Though 
coastal aquaculture particularly that of shrimp farming creates 
job opportunity for rural poor, develops better communication 
system and brings electricity to remotest part of the country, 
but it has little to do with supply of animal protein to the vast 
malnourished population. Bangladesh is a vast delta having 
14.2 million ha of which roughly coastal brackish water 
regions cover 17%. At present only 5% of the coastal brackish 
water region is under coastal aquaculture mainly for shrimp 
farming. The present status of coastal aquaculture problems 
created and encountered for its expansion have made it 
necessary to take appropriate measures for ensuring 
development of this sector. Correct planning, regulation and 
motivation are needed to develop an environment friendly 
coastal aquaculture program to avoid ecological disasters in a 
land scarce and densely populated like Bangladesh. This 
model will be very helpful to overcome this problem. 
Different tropical countries can use this model for allocating 
suitable site for shrimp farming by their Government. 
DFO Cox’s Bazar 1995, Report on Fisheries Activities of 
Cox’s Bazar District under Directorate of Fisheries, 
Bangladesh (updated for 1997), and P. 8-14. 
DFO, Sathkhira, 1998, Report on Fisheries Activities in 
Sathkhira district under Directorate of Fisheries, P.1-2. 
DFO, Khulna, 1998, Information’s on Fisheries Activities in 
Khulna district, from Fisheries Research Institute (FRI), 
Paikgacha center and Thana Fisheries Officers of Khulna 
Gupta M. C. and Gopalakrishna Sreshty, LV. 1993, 
Development of a Model for Brackish water Aquaculture Site 
Selection in India, P.2, 14. 
Gupta M.C. and Nayak. S 1997 Customized Packages for 
Brackish Water Aquaculture Development around GIS 
ARC/INFO GIS system-. ISRO Ahmedabad, P.1-2. 
Kapetsky James M., Llyod Mcgregor and Herbert Nane, 
1987. AGeographic Information System to ^ assess 
opportunities for aquaculture development. A FAO- 
UNEP/GRID study in Costa Rica: P.519-533. 
Krishnamurthy, R., Sundramoothy, S., Ramanchandram, S., 
and S.R.Nayak 1993, Coastal Landuse Mapping for 
Brackishwater Aquaculture Site Selection Using Satellite 
data. A case study of Tamilnadu Coast. Proceedings of the 
Remote Sensing Application for Resource Management with 
especial emphasis on North Eastern Region.ISRS and Assam 
Remote Sensing Center, P. 207-211. 
Nayak, S. R. Shaikh. M. G. 1994 Coastal Landuse Mapping 
of West Bengal Coast for Brackish Water Aquaculture Site 
Selection. Space Application Center (ISRO), Ahmedabad, 
India P.1. 
SRDI, 1998, Land and Soil Resource Directory Map of Cox's 
Bazar Sadar, Chakoria, Maheshkhali, Ramu, Banshkhali 
thanas of Cox's Bazar district. Dumria, Baitghata, Dacope, 
Paikgacha Thana of Khulna district. Sathkhira sadar, Debhata, 
Kaliganj, Assasuni Thana of Sathkhira district. 

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