Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 7)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004 
Despite the usefulness of satellite images, classification 
problems do exist, due to problems associated with the 
discrimination amongst thematic classes. For instance, fire scars 
in grassland physiognomies may not be discriminated in the 
satellite images, since they present similar spectral values to 
other classes (such as clouds, shadows, water bodies). Hence, it 
is important to understand the process associated with the 
permanence of the fire scars, to guide the sampling of the 
images to be used to estimate the annual area burnt in the 
cerrado. Permanence, in this context, is defined as the time lag 
between the appearance of a fire scar in a Landsat image and its 
posterior disappearance, resulting from vegetation regeneration. 
Finally, the knowledge of the time elapsed between fires 
(recurrence) is important, for many reasons. For one, Gillon 
(1983) indicates that if grass fires occur infrequently, they are 
far less destructive, due to the amount of heat released, than if 
they take place annually. In addition, the recurrence of fires in 
the Brazilian cerrado influences ecosystem structure, nutrient 
dynamics, and is a significant source of atmospheric carbon, 
trace gases and particulates (Kauffman et al, 1994). According 
to Mueller-Dombois and Goldammer (1990), repeated burning 
destroys organic matter in the upper few centimeters of the 
mineral soil, nitrogen is removed in gaseous form, and repeated 
grass fires could result in skeletal soils highly impoverished of 
In view of the above, this paper sets up as objectives: 
e To discriminate, in a sample of Landsat imagery, fire 
scars associated with the different types of the cerrado 
vegetation, and to quantify the corresponding areas; 
e To study the recurrence of fires in the different types 
of physiognomies of the cerrado, during the period 
1996-2000; and 
* To estimate the permanence of the fire scars in the 
different physiognomies. 
The areas encompassed by TM/Landsat image path/row 221/69 
(henceforth referred to as Chapada dos Veadeiros site) and 
path/row 223/67 (herein referred to as Araguaia site) were 
selected for this study. Both areas are located in the core area of 
the Brazilian cerrado, and encompass areas of approximately 
30,344 km” and 30,568 km”, respectively. 
According to RADAMBRASIL (1981), the most extensive 
vegetation cover in the Chapada dos Veadeiros site is campo 
cerrado (approximately 65%), followed by parque de cerrado 
(17%), forest (4%). campo (0.11%) and cerradäo (0.02%). The 
dominant cover in the Araguaia site is campo cerrado (33%), 
followed by parque de cerrado (2896), cerradáo (8%) and 
forest (896). The physiognomy campo is not present in the 
Araguaia site. The remaining area is occupied by agriculture 
and water bodies. 
3.1 Materials 
Sixty-three digital colour composite images of bands 3 (0.63- 
0.69 m), 4 (0.76-0.90i M) and 5 (1.55-1.75i m À TML and 
5 or ETM+/Landsat 7 were used. At least one scene from each 
month of the dry period for each year investigated (1996 to 
2000) was selected, based on the image quality and the presence 
of clouds. In addition to the satellite images, the study also 
included topographic charts, to guide the geo-referencing of the 
Landsat imagery, and vegetation maps, necessary to identify the 
distinct physiognomies affected by the burning, both at the scale 
3.2 Methods 
3.2.1. Visual Interpretation of the Landsat Images: The 
identification of the fire scars was conducted through visual 
analysis of geo-referenced digital images, directly from the 
screen, to minimize the errors of inclusion that could result from 
digital classification. In the latter, areas which present a spectral 
signature similar to the fire scars, such as water bodies or cloud 
shadows, could otherwise be included under fire scars. 
Initially, all the images associated with the first date of the dry 
period, for each year investigated, were analyzed and the fire 
scars mapped (those identifiable at the scale 1:50,000 in the 
Landsat images). Vectorial Information Layers (VIL) 
containing the boundaries of the fire scars were created for the 
first dates of each year, and layed over the images associated 
with the second dates. From the spectral-textural changes 
observed in the fire scars in the second date, the mapped fire 
scars from the first date were altered or deleted, according to the 
following criteria: (1) decrease in size of the fire scar, due to 
vegetation regeneration; (2) increase in size, resulting from new 
burns contiguous to the previously burnt areas; (3) elimination 
of the fire scar, when its signature could not be discriminated by 
the interpreter; (4) inclusion of new fire scars, not observed in 
the previous date. The result of this procedure was contrasted 
with the subsequent date, according to the criteria above, until 
the entire sequence of images was analyzed. 
This process was carried out using SPRING 3.6 (Georeferenced 
Information Processing System) (Camara et al, 1996), 
generating at least one VIL for each month of the dry period. 
The resulting VILs were transformed into Matrix Information 
Layers (MILs) to allow algebraic operations to be carried out. 
These operations were necessary to estimate the annual fire 
recurrence, the total burned area and the permanence of fire 
scars. Each MIL consisted of a binary image where, for each 
pixel, a label “Burned” or “Background” was associated, 
depending on the condition of that pixel (burnt or not burnt). 
3.2.2. Annual Area Burnt: The annual area burned was 
estimated by aggregating into a new MIL all the pixels 
classified as “Burned” in the MILs associated to any given year. 
Each one of the five MIL images (referred to as aggregate 
image 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999 and 2000), was cross-referenced 
with the vegetation maps, which were annually updated from 
the Landsat imagery. Hence, each pixel in the MIL image was 
associated to a vegetation physiognomy. This was done 
independently for Chapada dos Veadeiros and Araguaia sites. 
3.2.3. Inter-annual Recurrence of Fires: The inter-annual 
recurrence of fires (1996 to 2000) was estimated for each site by 
aggregating into a new MIL all the pixels classified as "Burned" 
in at least one of the five aggregate images. Each pixel on the 
new MIL was associated to a 5-digit label (one for cach year) 
using the symbol “B” if the pixel was labeled “Burned” in the 
aggregate image, or “G”, otherwise. For example, a pixel 
labeled BBBBB in the new MIL indicated that the area 
corresponding to that pixel was burnt in 1997, 1998, 1999 and 
2000; or BGBGG, indicating that the pixel was classified a5 
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