Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 7)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004 
are still confused. Urban pixels classified as forest account for 
18.19% of the urban sample. Forest pixels classified as urban 
account for 21.69% of the forest sample. 
The potential of the polarimetric data to discriminate among 
different land uses was investigated in this study. Simple 
processing methods, such as extraction of polarimetric 
signatures and Pauli decomposition analysis were used to 
interprete the scattering mechanisms of each land use. 
Polarimetric signatures were proved to be a powerful tool for 
this purpose. Several scattering mechanisms have been 
recognized on each signature. The large number of scattering 
mechanisms produced by non-deterministic targets, such as 
samples of land use, was their main disadvantage. Although 
given a polarimetric signature we can recognize the scattering 
behaviour of the specific land use, the opposite is sometimes 
difficult to achieve. Due to the large number of scattering 
centres that a land use sample includes, several secondary 
scattering mechanisms are simultaneously produced. This can 
make it difficult for the interpreter to distinguish the most 
characteristic mechanism for the sample under interpretation. 
The non deterministic nature of land use targets was also 
indicated by the Pauli decomposition analysis. Dihedrals and 
surface are the scatterers that Pauli decomposition can 
determine. The limited number of scattering mechanisms 
recognized by the Pauli analysis is its main disadvantage. Its 
ability to indicate dihedrals is its main advantage. Urban areas 
which present a complexity by including several different 
scattering centres in the same target can easily be interpreted 
after their analysis in dihedrals. 
Regarding the definition of the size of the window of the Lee 
filter which is used for speckle suppression, a classification 
based method was developed and applied. Due to the non 
deterministic approach of the scatterers, the optimum size of the 
window has been found to be quite large, 17x17 pixels for the 
original data and 23x23 pixels for the data sets which include 
images generated by the Pauli decomposition method. This 
documents the non deterministic nature of land uses, as a large 
filler window is necessary for high classification accuracies to 
be achieved. 
To evaluate classifications based on the magnitude of the 
polarimetric data, the maximum Likelihood classifier was 
applied on a) the full polarimetric data, b) the data produced by 
the Pauli decomposition method, and c) both previous cases 
data. In all cases speckle suppression ^ preceded. The total 
accuracies obtained in all cases were satisfactory (91-91.53%). 
The very high resolution of the E-SAR data also contributed to 
this. However, the accuracy obtained for the urban class was 
mediocre (45.8496) in the first classification results, 
pronouncing the weakness of the magnitude of the polarimetric 
data to discriminate urban areas from forest. The data generated 
by Pauli decomposition contributed to the improvement of 
classification results regarding the urban class, producing an 
accuracy equal to 81.0896 and 81.65% for classifications b and 
6, respectively. On the other hand, they reduced the accuracy of 
the forest class by approximately 15%, (78.31%). Dihedrals are 
well discriminated by the Pauli analysis and characterize the 
urban class more than other classes. When the images generated 
by the Pauli decomposition are introduced in the Maximium 
Likelihood classification contribute significantly to the 
statistical definition of this category but they produce 
misclassifications to the other categories which also contain 
dihedrals, such as the forest. 
The key subject for further work will be the introduction of the 
phase of the full polarimetric data in the classification 
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Authors are grateful to Dr J. Moreira (DLR) who kindly 
provided the E-SARpolarimetric data. 

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