Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 7)

A. Dimadi ^ *, M. Tsakiri-Strati " 
* Dept. Geotecnical Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, GREECE, adimad@civil.auth.gr 
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Dept. Cadastre, Photogrammetry and Cartography, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, GREECE, martsak(@yvergina.eng.auth.gr 
Working Group VII/3 
KEY WORDS: Geology, Resources, Integration, Interpretation, Navigation, Visualization, DTM, Landsat 
The purpose of this study was the evaluation of integrated use of landsat TM imagery, Digital Terrain Model (DTM) and 3D 
visualization for groundwater studies on karstified marbles. It was used a multispectral TM landsat imagery and a DTM that derived 
from the topographic map. The study area is a mountainous area of karstified marbles in Northern Greece. The faults control the 
hydraulic conductivity of the marbles, and their mapping is a very valuable means of identifying potential sites for groundwater 
exploitations. Applied image enhancement techniques were used, such as: principal components analysis, empirical and statistical 
procedures for color composite display of image, NDVI index and haze reduction in order to facilitate the detection of necessary 
criteria, (which are various geological and geomorphological factors), for the fault structures mapping. Draping the orthorectified 
image over the generated DEM in order to 3D visualization was applied. The supervised navigation on image 3D visualization was 
improved the image interpretation. The results obtained have been evaluated using both an existing geologic map of the area and a 
field investigation including: a) measurements of faults and definition of their nature, b) positions of springs, sinkholes, shallow 
holes, an axis cave with subterranean river and c) the results of boreholes. The applied methodology shows that a large number of 
fault structures were mapped, particularly in E-W direction and as a consequence a more completed net of faults was created. 
Further more the tension faults N0°-20°, N50°, N90°, and N120°-160° show a greater hydraulic conductivity and delineate potential 
sites for groundwater exploitations as the well yield data confirm this. The overall benefit of this methodology is the reduction of the 
risk of low yield wells. 
The use of satellite images is one of the technique that are 
available to hydrogeologists for locating and mapping linear 
faulted structures which can be faults and faulted zones 
(lincaments) (Sander et al, 1996). These secondary 
permeability features control the permeability of carbonate 
rocks those the primary porosity is usually extremely limited. 
Consequently the potential sites for productive water wells are 
located around the features with secondary permeability 
(Parizek, 1975; Larsson, 1977; Dinger, et al, 2002; Travaglia, et 
al 2003). 
The advantage of the use of satellite images is that these cover 
big and sometimes inaccessible areas, under uniform 
conditions. Especially the capability of TM imagery to be 
analyzed for enhancing the visibility of lineaments, contribute 
to the effective study of lineaments on the earth surface. 
This research presents a methodology of locating and mapping 
faults in the area of west Falakro mount (East Macedonia- 
Greece). This area is a rugged karstified carbonate mountainous 
terrain and forms a geomorphological natural dam between 
Drama basin and Kato Nevrokopi basin in the North. The study 
area covers parts of two topographical maps at scale 1:50,000 in 
UTM projection. These maps are used for the creation of the 
digital terrain model (DTM) and for receiving the control points 
for the orthorectification of the image. 
* Corresponding author. 
The criteria of localization and mapping the lineaments are: a) 
the presence of vegetation, b) wetness, c) different slopes on 
both sides along the lineament and d) different geological 
formations on both sides (Meladiotis et al., 2001). 
To facilitate the image optical interpretation for the lineaments 
localization, the spectral characteristics of the image bands 
were studied and the principal components transformation and 
vegetation index were applied, as the statistical or empirical 
procedures for image color display were applied (Yésou et al. 
1993; Tsakiri, et al 2002; Tsakiri, et al 2003). Some of the 
aforementioned criteria could not be detected so we applied the 
supervised navigation on 3D visualization of DTM in 
combination with orthoimage to facilitate the localization and 
the mapping of the lineaments (Sarapirome, et al, 2003). 
The hydrogeological importance of some particular fault 
systems can be examined through their combination with karst 
specific forms (sinkholes, shallowholes, caves), which usually 
are developed along faults. So these fault systems can have à 
secondary permeability and define probable general direction of 
groundwater flow (Kresic, 1995). 
The lineaments coverage layer was overlain on the digitized 
topographic map (scale 1:50,000) for field checking. The field 
reconnaissance has offered the identification of many 
lineaments on the ground through their terrain features. The 
majority of the lineaments are tensional faults and the drilling 
result of 
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