Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 7)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004 
potential sites are located in the vicinity of these faults, as the 
result of the three water wells on the foothill confirmed. 
In the frame of this work, it was used a multispectral image TM 
of Landsat 5 satellite, with a spatial resolution of 30 m and date 
of acquisition 22-05-1986. A subscene, covering about 20x18 
km and including the karstified marbles, was extracted from 
this (Fig. 1). The statistical data on it are given in Table 1. For 
the ortho-rectification of the image a DTM was used that 
derived from two topographic maps at 1:50,000 scale and in 
UTM projection (Tsakiri-Strati et al, 2003). 
Min-Max Mean St. dev. 
68-255 93.053 12.251 
21-186 40.402 7.018 
12-252 39.428 12.437 
15-255 102.772 20.834 
7-255 96.958 23.519 
1-255 36.426 14.711 
Table 1. Landsat TM image characteristics 
Also geological map at the scale of 1:50.000 (Fig. 2) were used 
for the evaluation of the results of this investigation as well as 
with results from other studies (Meyer, 1968; Dimadi, 1988; 
Chagipanagis, 1991). 
Figure 1. Landsat TM image over the study area. R=band4, 
G-band2 and B-bandl. 
The study area corresponds to a mountainous terrain to the 
North of Drama (Greece) (Fig. 1). This is the Southwest part of 
Falakro mount (East Macedonia-Greece) with elevation 
between 123 m and 1736 m in the South and between 537 m 
and 1736 m in the North. 
Southward is bordered by the plain of Drama and in the North 
by the Kato Nevrokopi basin (Polje). The area covers 103 km” 
and 93% of it is marbles, the 3% dolomitic marbles and the 5% 
granodiorite. The vegetation of the area is some bushes in the 
Southern part and dense arboreous (beeches, pines) in the 
Northern part. The differentiation of vegetation in the region is 
owed only to the orientation of the surface and the height of 
rainfalls, so in the Northern part, marbles and granodiorite 
present the same vegetation in the same region. 
Polje of Kato 
Nevrokopi % 
e C .. PlamofDrama km ^l ) 
Figure 2. Geological map of the study area, 1:50,000 (IGME) 
al: Sand, clay, c: conglomerates of marbles, mr: marbles, 
d: dolomitic marbles, sch: schists, gr: granodiorite, 
Faults, == Geological boundary, 
S1: spring Aggitis, S: sinkholes area 
The drainage network has a dendritic pattern that is the same on 
the marbles and on the gneisses-schistes of the close region. 
This network on the marbles is old and was developed on the 
gneiss when they were above the marbles. The so-developed 
network was finally inherited on the marbles (Vavliakis et al. 
1989; Dinter, 1994). 
The area belongs to Geotectonic Zone of Rhodope and is a part 
of the West side of an anticlinal with axe N120°. It consists of 
marbles (Mesozoic) lying on the system  gneiss-schist 
(Paleozoic). In the base, the marbles are white-gray and thin - 
platy, well bedded with muscovite on the bedding plane. On the 
top they are white and compact. Between the two sorts of 
marbles there are intercalations of dolomitic marbles. The 
granodiorite (Oligocene) penetrates all the aforementioned 
formations. During the Lower Oligocene ascending movements 
observed in the area, with the creation of shear zones (ENE- 
SWS) and in the Middle Miocene the area was folded with 
directions of folds axes N120°. The fractures related to the 
tectonic deformation before the Upper Miocene can not be 
distinguished from the fractures developed by a Upper-Miocene 
to present extensive brittle extensional deformation that mainly 
related to high-angle normal faults. The fault patterns include 
NE-NW (NO°- N20°), NW-SE (N50°), E-W (90°) and NW-SE 
(N120°-160°) trending faults (Chagipanagis, 1991). 
The karst specific forms, sinkholes, are located between 800- 
1400 m along the crests and the shallowholes on the Northwest 
foot of the marbles at 540 m elevation. 
The study area is a hydrogeological unit of karstified marbles 
and their alimentation originates directly by the rainfalls and 
indirectly by the streams and underground water of the polje of 
Kato Nevrokopi, in the area of shallowholes. The spring Aggitis 
(Fig. 2) located at an elevation of 123m, drains this 

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