Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 7)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004 
42 Land Surveying Using RTK&TS After Land Use Manic a AL 
Change Style Analysis | 
In order to demonstrate the advantages of integrating RTK and 
TS on land use data updating after land use change style 
analysis, the campus of National Chengchi University (NCCU) 
was selected as a test region. Figure 6 shows the point locations x 
on the test region. Note that the point symbol in green color um f 
indicates that the point coordinates are determined by RTK, 4 / | 
and the point symbol in red color indicates that the point / / | 
coordinates are determined by TS. As shown in Figure 6, the | N. / Parcel 2 / 
parent-polygon A consists of four points A001, A002, A003 Parcel 2 x , 
and A004. | 2 
A001 = 
ça AA ét en Vi ii 
area. Figure 7 shows the parent-polygon A is divided to 3 children- = Qt 
polygon: parcel 1, parcel 2, and parcel 3. Parcel 1 consists of | A008 | 
points A002, A006, A007, and A005. Parcel 2 consists of ac Er — m —— 
points A006, A003, A004, A008, and A007. Parcel 3 consists 
of A005, A007, A008, and A001. According to the land use 
change style analysis concept introduced in section3, the test 
region shown in Figure 7 belongs to the biscuit style. Hence, it 
is necessary to detemine the coordinates of points A005, A006, 
Figure 7. The parent-polygon A is divided to 3 children- 
polygon: parcel 1, parcel 2, and parcel 3. 
A007, and A008 using RTK/TS. 4002 
In order to simulate the two-way extension style, the common A006 
B point of parcel 1, parcel 2, and parcel 3, was moved from A007 Fam, | 
to A009, as shown in Figure 8. In this test, we only need to a, A003 | 
determine the coordinates of point A009. re | 
| b | 
In order to simulate the one-way extension style, the parent- Eu A 1 | 
polygon A was extended to include polygon B, as shown in Kalten jJ | 
Figure 9. The polygon B consists of points A003, A004, A010, pie - j | 
and A011. In this test, we need to determine the coordinates of nte iar Sarg | 
points A010, and A011 only. fase Cu TE | 
Venet | 
hres >. | 
x | 
area. „4002 es * "- | 
LOO Le ects sine | 
A006 8 ver uud | 
: — ilzIDizzQBAUD4 | 
5 2 . us a ree ron | 
= A005 „4003 A010 EN "i ADOS se” 
. > sport i 
e TS 
4009 A007 & RTKGPS au ass 
4009 > RTK GPS i | 
„A001 j 
? A004 
Figure 6. Land use change test region on NCCU campus. 
Figure 9. A simulation test of the one-way extension style. 

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