Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 7)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004 
indication and also the possibility of controlling all natural and 
technical survey condition. Among automated methods of 
detection of changes the digital processing and analysis are 
used. Sometimes the systems work by recognizing the 
differences between compared images before classification of 
detected differences; and other times, in contrast, images are 
first automatically classified to produce ecological classes and 
then subtracted. The second method (post classification 
comparison method) is the most commonly used. 
The main task in comparing the images of different years and in 
discovering changes in the areas of ecosystems is to determine 
the common basis of these changes, that is, the ecological trend. 
This trend is defined as a translational change of a system 
whereby its state on any time scale is not repeated and the 
direction of its drift is constant within the investigated time 
limits. The main purpose is to measure and describe the 
ecological trend in terms of area change, using aerospace 
images. It should be excluded the influences of different short- 
terms fluctuations (for example hydrometeorological variability 
in different years). Distinguishing ecological trends at this level 
involves great difficulty and only a rigorous mathematical 
expression is sufficient to allow scientific ecological prognoses. 
2.2 Research sites 
2.2.1  Caraorman-Dunavát site: As study sites has been 
selected Delta’s representative areas, both for flora and fauna 
diversity and for dynamic changes from the past decades. The 
site has a square form of 30.72 km side and is placed in central- 
western of Danube Delta and contains the following 
ecosystems: ecosystem of dry land - in the south-western of 
site, including surroundings of Murighiol, Dunavátu de Sus and 
Dunavátu de Jos villages; ecosystem of running water - 
including Sulina and Sf. Gheorghe branches, Dunavát, Tátaru 
and Crisan channels; ecosystem of stagnant water - including 
lakes ponds, and plugged channels; ecosystem of river banks 
and marine levees - Ceamurlia, Lat and Caraorman, which had 
been the domain of all kind of trees, broke up in their greatest 
part and replaced with Canadian poplars. On Caraorman bank 
still exists a large abandoned sand-mining; ecosystem of 
marshy and flooding surfaces - is dominated by emerged 
vegetation prevalent constituted of common reed and a mixture 
of common reed- mace reed. Floating reed islet formation, 
which is a mixture of reed roots herbs and soil, usually floating 
or fixed on the bottom of depressions, has a peculiar place 
within the ecosystem; ecosystem of polders - include fish 
ponds, agricultural and forest polders; the zone in the north of 
Sulina branch is declared area for ecological restoration. 
2.22 Sulina site: The site has a square form of 24.1 km side 
and is placed in central-eastern Danube Delta. This includes in 
addition to Caraorman- Dunavát site, marine ecosystem - 
include Black Sea coastal area. Sea proximity creates a series of 
special problems. It is very important to underline that water 
level variance in ecosystem of marshy and flooding surfaces is 
dependent on water flow variance on Danube branches. This 
ecosystem acts as a large buffer lake, which attenuates water 
flow variance. Water levels difference in inner delta from april 
to june has a 60-70 cm maximum. 
2.3 Data sources 
The study was based on available satellite images (Landsat 
MSS, July 24, 1975; Landsat-TM, June 28,1984 and SPOT- 
HRV, April 27, 1993), aerial photographs at 1:45,000 scale 
acquired in 1984, ground radiometric measurements realized in 
some representative areas of Caraorman Dunavät site, near the 
Remote Sensing Laboratory of Technical University of civil 
Engineering-Bucharest, at 54 km on the Sf. Gheorghe branch, 
in 1984 and 1993, with a four-channel Exotech 100 AX 
portable radiometer using Landsat-TM channel filters (to 
facilitate the object classes separation and point out the 
atmospheric effects) and complementary data  (topo- 
hydrographic maps, main ecosystems map, Danube Delta 
vegetation and soils maps, etc). Using Landsat-MSS images 
(characterized by a lower resolution) the study period extends at 
18 years. 
3.1 Preliminary processing 
One of the most important temporal reasons for change- 
detection applications is the acquiring month of the imagery. 
Images acquired during the period with power sun light, present 
a very good contrast between various details (Jansen, 1983). For 
example, in this case, the contrast from covered with vegetation 
soil and uncovered is very strongly. Using the scene acquired in 
the same year's period is suggested to change-detection with 
purpose to reduce the problems which appear because sun-angle 
difference, vegetation-phenology changes and differences in 
soil-moisture. (Hall et al., 1991; Jansen et al. 1993). SPOT 
HRV image was used as a reference image to ensure 
compatibility of multitemporal data. 
Due to lack of information regarding atmosphere characteristics 
radiometric calibration has been realized for every site based on 
15 invariant or quasi-invariant in time objects (Chavez, 1989): 
darker zones (great lakes water and Black Sea without turbid 
water), or brighter zones (Caraorman bank and beaches sand). 
Landsat- MSS and TM images normalization has been done, for 
every channel, using a nonlinear regression equation: 
yi)=ax(i)+h (1) 
where: y(i)-is radiometric value of pixel from reference image; 
x(i)-is correspondent radiometric value of pixel from corrected 
During the registration process, have been used two reference 
images, based on aerial photos at 1:45,000 scale, representing 
the geometric fundament for images registration (Rignof et dl. 
1991). Geometric corrections applied to photos and satellite 
images have been based on 34 ground control points for 
Caraorman-Dunavát site and on 28 ground control points for 
Sulina site. These points have been determined, using software 
PAT-MF for Aerotriangulation with independent models, at 
Wild Aviolyt BC2 in the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and 
GIS Laboratory of Moncton University, Edmundston center, 
It has been realized a resample of 4x4 for MSS and 1,5x1,5 for 
TM because different sensor resolutions (80m for MSS, 30m for 
TM and 20m for HRV). For low-resolution images resampling 
(Landsat MSS) it has been used the nearest neighbour-method, 
which does not alter the digital number of the original image 
pixels. For Landsat-TM images transformation have been used 
three-degree polynomials, followed by a cubic convolution. The 
resample function included 16 pixels surrounding the processed 
pixel, allowing local modeling of image by a polynomial 
surface. Transformation accuracy varies according to resample 
images. The root-mean-square (RMS) error is +0,436 pixel for 
MSS in 
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