Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 7)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004 
Left Floodplain 
Channel Right Floodplain 
Figure 5 Dotty plots of parameter distributions for the different 
Obviously, a large number of parameter sets perform almost 
equally well. It is shown that the model performance mainly 
depends on the channel roughness coefficients whereas the 
model only shows limited sensitivity for the two floodplain 
friction parameters. Depending on the chofce of the channel 
roughness, good fits can be achieved in the whole range of the 
sampled parameter values. In particular, a maximum likelihood 
value of 1 could be obtained for many diffezent roughnesses in 
respect with the measured high water marKs. The dotty plots 
also show that a considerable range of pérformance measures 
are produced inside the sampled parameter range. Clearly, some 
of these parameter sets produce output that has to be considered 
to be non-behavioural, i.e. the response deviates so far from the 
observations that the model cannot be considered as an 
adequate representation of the system. The parameter spaces of 
the simulations meeting the behaviourability criteria (Table 2) 
have only the channel roughness parameter constrained to its 
lower range from the initial sampling limits. The total number 
of behavioural simulations for each objective is given in Table 
2. The dotty plots associated to each one of these objectives 
show the consistencies of the results and the friction parameters 
were more or less stationary between the two considered flood 
stages. With only 286 behavioural parameter sets remaining, the 
most important reduction of parameter sets is achieved with the 
HW criteria. As these data are the most reliable, a relatively 
high threshold PM value can be chosen. The fuzziness of the 
radar data hampers the use of higher threshold PM values. 
Behavioural simulations* 
Acceptability criteria Total number 
HW 286 
Envisat 3926 
ERS 4542 
HW & Envisat 212 
HW & ERS | 143 
HW & Envisat & ERS 140 
* Total number of simulations was 22000 
Table 2. Behavioural simulations for indivual and combined 
The effect of combining different PMs is shown in Table 2. 
Only parameter sets meeting the behaviourability criterium of 
each one of the multiple objectives are retained in the final 
sample. Clearly, the number of behavioural simulations is 
considerably reduced. More than half of the 286 selected 
parameter sets are rejected based on the additional criteria and 
finally only 140 among the initial 22000 runs are considered as 
behavioural. Most notably, the additional ERS PM constrains 
the model response most. This is not surprising as the ERS 
picture was taken during the rising limb preceding by several 
hours the peak discharge whereas the Envisat picture was taken 
close to peak discharge. Hence, the flood data derived from 
Envisat is somewhat redundant to the high water marks and the 
resulting parameter constrain is not noteworthy. 
Envisat 02/01/2003 22h18 
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Figure 6. Updated 5% and 95% percentile inundation maps for 
behavioural simulations of individual and combined 
PMs (Envisat overpass time) 
The progressive constraining of the model predictions by 
incorporating the additional Envisat radar data is also shown on 
Figure 6 with the distance between the boundary limits of the 
5% and 95% quantile flood maps gradually narrowing. This 
means that simulations conditioned using all the PMs show 
smaller ranges of model behaviours than models conditioned 
only using the ground data. Only locally, for instance at the 
upstream end of the river reach, some major uncertainties 
subsist. The uncertainty maps based on the final parameter set 
constrained using all 4 PMs of Table 1 give inundation maps at 
peak discharge that are very close to what was observed by 
Envisat at the same time (Figure 7). Most importantly the range 
of simulated flood boundaries generally brackets the observed 
extents. It is not surprising that the uncertainty reduction by 
incorporating additional distributed radar data becomes most 
effective in those areas of the floodplain where surveyed point 
data are missing. The resulting uncertainties tend to be higher at 
an initial stage of the flood (during ERS-2 overpass). This may 
be due to changing roughness values with increasing water 
levels that lead to some doubtful parameter values being 
included and some good sets being rejected when considering 
high water marks only. Moreover, at a preliminary stage of the 
flood, small changes of the channel roughness coefficient may 
have a large impact on the simulated extent. This is due to the 
fact that when the river channel is bankfull, small changes of 
the water level tend to induce large changes of the flood extent. 
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