Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 7)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004 Interna 
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Photo 1. Erosional regime in Digha area, Medinipur (E) district, Fig: 1. I 
West Bengal, India. 
The vie «7 essed in this paper are primarily authors own and Real world scenario 
not nece .y have the department to which he belongs. 
Sincere thanks are to the Trust Fund Amsterdam 2000 for 
providing financial assistance to attend this Congress. Heartiest 
thanks to the co-workers for their constructive criticism to 
upgrade the author’s individual visual thinking for creating 
oneness between the multifarious datasets. 
> Alluylal Pin 
Photo2. Arsenic contamination in Groundwater exists Photo 3. ‘Drainage deflection’ in image reflects subsurface anomaly and earth 
only in Bhagirathi alluvial plain EU degassing; Mahira, 
‘Geomorphic anomaly’ image — subsidence zone in real world; Kankardanga, 
Barddhaman district, West Bengal, India. 

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