Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 7)

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and Spot 
igher than 
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KONOS 10 — 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004 
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Figure 17. Normalized graphs of edge density — "s 
« | 
Figure 18. Normalized graphs of mean patch area 
With regard to the questions formulated in introduction, the 
experiences that we have carried out allow us to draw the 
following conclusions: 
l. Landscape indexes analysed display values that are not 
enough different to be assumed as variables characteristic of 
various urban typologies. A reason for that could be an 
inadequate or incomplete correspondence between conceptual 
and cartographic definition of sub-areas. What are the limits of 
concentrated and diffuse city? Conversely, the analysis of the 
evolution of every sub-area, made using the same spatial 
definitions, enables to identify a trend of development both 
stable and characteristic of the various typologies. 
2 Although calculated indexes were not characteristic, regarded 
as a whole (ie. rejecting anomalous values) they offer a 
comparative description among various sub-areas. Spatial 
configurations can be analysed in detail with reference to the 
specific meaning of indexes: for example edge density together 
with mean size of patches gives information about 
fragmentation, etc... 
3. As supposed and foreseen, working at different scales 
(IKONOS vs Spot and Landsat) entails working on different 
phenomena. To sum up the results drawn from the second work: 
e Density function shows great diversity with regard to the 
attribution of pixels to a given class of density. 
In IKONOS: low density surface is 36% as against 10% of 
Landsat, while high density surface is 15% in Landsat as 
against 8% in IKONOS. Such diversity is overcame through 
a buffer applied to IKONOS, this mainly for high density 
e Through the overlay of density classes maps a systematic 
migration from a given density class of IKONOS into the 
next class at higher density of Spot can be observed. Such 
migration is recovered in IKONOS 5, whose density classes 
distribution is near to Spot. 
What happens is that in IKONOS the single building is detected 
individually, while in Landsat and Spot either it is missing or it 
is aggregated to the adjoining buildings. This explains the 
maximum of built area in Landsat, the increase of low density 
surface in IKONOS and the migration of density classes of 
IKONOS towards higher density classes of LANDSAT. Buffers 
allow to recover Spot and Landsat values with regard to : 
- total built surface 
eed e E ERO RD M 
- high density classes (A and B) since buffer fills the voids 
between adjoining buildings. 
Conversely, in low density values (C, D, E) the Spot and 
LANDSAT values cannot be recovered because of the 
dispersion of buildings and the variability of configurations. 
In the third work, tables and their graphical representations 
clearly show how indexes calculated over the 5 input images 
display normalized values always opposite to IKONOS ones 
in comparison with other images. 
This because meaning of landscape indexes is completely 
different when applied at different resolutions. 
It is worth noting that ED is an index of dispersion and 
fragmentation only at Spot and Landsat (Herold, 2001) and 
not at IKONOS resolution. In IKONOS, ED is higher in 
concentrated areas compared to scattered settlements, since a 
higher number of buildings - and consequently a bigger 
perimeter value — is associated to the same surface. 
In this last instance, too, buffers applied to IKONOS allow us 
to recover the behaviour of indexes at lower resolution for 
concentrated urban areas. 
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