Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 7)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spau! Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004 
2.1 Basic Concept 
The methodology consists of two main steps: 
e the preparation of the initial data including speckle 
suppression and the generation of an additional texture 
e the image segmentation and classification. 
Subsequent to an initial speckle suppression by means of an 
optimised filtering technique a texture layer is generated. 
Along with the despeckled intensity image this texture layer is 
used for the segmentation of the data set. The classification 
itself is based on the despeckled intensity image and the 
original data. Both, the image segmentation and the 
classification are performed on the basis of the object-oriented 
image analysis software eCognition (Baatz & Schäpe, 1999). 
This technique partitions the complete scene into groups of 
spectrally similar pixels by means of an image segmentation to 
form image objects on an arbitrary number of scale levels. The 
analysis of these objects instead of single pixels is particularly 
applicable for the classification of very high resolution imagery. 
It facilitates the distinction between different structures and 
their function by considering spectral, geometric and textural 
characteristics along with information about properties of the 
area surrounding the image objects. Moreover the object- 
oriented approach is capable of displaying different objects in a 
single image at various scales. With respect to radar imagery 
the initial segmentation also helps to reduce the effects of radar 
speckle because the intensity of the generated segments results 
from an averaging of the underlying pixel values. 
Subsequent to image segmentation a "knowledge base" is 
created. This knowledge base defines both, the classes to be 
identified and the according features for their description and 
classification. The rules for the class description might include 
spectral and textural characteristics of the objects, the 
hierarchical context of the segments or the relationship between 
neighbouring objects. According to these predefined rules the 
image is analysed and classified by means of fuzzy logic or a 
nearest neighbour algorithm (Baatz & Schápe, 1999). Each step 
performed during the image analysis can be stored in a separate 
protocol which might then be applied to other data 
2.2 Test Site and Data Set 
The X-band SAR imagery was acquired over the German cities 
of Ludwigshafen and Mannheim in May 2003 by the airborne 
Experimental Synthetic Aperture Radar (E-SAR) system of the 
DLR (Moreira, Spielbauer, Pótzsch, 1994). Both cities are in 
the Rhine-Neckar region, which represents Germany's 7" 
largest conurbation. 
During the flight campaign single polarised X-band, dual- 
polarised C-band and fully polarimetric L-band data was 
recorded along three flight tracks featuring a depression angle 
of 20° - 60°. Each track covers an area of 3x10km in a spatial 
resolution of 2-3m. The recorded images feature a large variety 
of urban, suburban and agricultural structures. 
In order to validate the image classification some classes of a 
biodiversity GIS vector layer updated in 2000 were merged into 
a data set showing the built-up areas within the specified 
region. This data base was complemented by additional aerial 
photographs recorded during the radar flight campaign. 
3.1 Data preparation 
In initial experiments it became apparent that a segmentation 
based solely on the initial intensity image is difficult. First, 
significantly textured medium- or small-scale structures are 
often not recognised or reconstructed by the segmentation. At a 
low segmentation level consisting of small image objects these 
structures are often split up into several individual segments 
with distinctively differing backscatter values. Increasing the 
size of the objects frequently results in a fusion of the textured 
segments with those adjacent objects, whose backscatter is quite 
similar. Sometimes the structure isn't even noticed at all. 
Moreover the shape of the resulting image objects is frayed and 
does not follow the actual boundaries satisfactory. 
As a proper image segmentation is crucial for the subsequent 
classification we improved this work step by supplementing the 
intensity information with an additional texture layer (Mean 
Euclidian Distance) calculated for the intensity image. Since 
the speckle effect clearly constricts the computation of a 
meaningful texture the speckle of the initial intensity image has 
to be minimised first. Strong speckle suppression with 
conventional speckle filters smoothes edges to a certain degree. 
Thus, we developed an optimised filtering technique to preserve 
major edges while significantly smoothing homogeneous areas. 
This moving window filter represents a combination of a 
"selective" mean filter and a conventional Lee Sigma approach. 
The effect of this filter is shown in Figure 1. 
Figure 1. Speckle Suppression (A: original ; B: filtered) 

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