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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004
numbered stream had not yet finished the required work
although it was under protection.
It is being thought that the most important factor for the
pollution that the streams bring into lake is the factor that the
streams are not under protection Furthermore,it has been
observed that the muddy water coming from the settling pools
in the refining facility near to the 6 numbered stream has no
effect to the TSM concentration at this point.
Point polluters like used water coming from houses,industrial
waste and irrigation water leaks with rich nitrogen and
phosphate ^ compounds which show spread polluter
charecteristics and are carried from hydrologic catchment area
farming areas are the other sources of water pollution.
The fact that pollution of the areas is caused by the fact that the
streams are not under protection,it can be understood that the
most important reason of pollution is not protecting the streams.
In addition, the low TSM concentration observed at the places
where the streams(under protection) and lake intersect supports
this idea.
It was observed that there were more agricultural areas near the
polluted areas than the other non-polluted areas.These
agricultural fields can be also taken into consideration as an
important factor.
The pollution arised at the image acquisition date(25 March
2004) from the activities done at the agricultural fields and
settlement should be examined.
Figure 4:Chlorophyll index map produced from 1 m geometric
resolutioned IKONOS image.(The direction of the
arrow shows the increase in chlorophyll
Figure 5: Clearness index map produced from 1 m geometric
resolutioned IKONOS image.(The direction of the arrow shows
the increase in clearness.)
The possible effect of the chemicals found in the artificial
fertilizer to the high chlorophyll concentration at the points
where the 5 and 6 numbered streams flow into the lake should
be examined. The pollution that can be arised from agricultural
fields and settlements should be investigated more detailed.
It was observed that clear areas have lower TSM concentrations
than polluted areas.
3.3 Advantages of The Study
With this study we understood that it was suitable to use water
clearness values in determining the water quality in the lake.
It is necessary to do the SDT(Sechi Disk Transparent)
measurements at the image acquisiton time in order to relate the
field measurements with the water clearness values that are
obtained from the IKONOS image.
To prevent spectral mixture, the points should be chosen far
from the shore.
Because the SDT method is an easy measure method and
doesn’t need laboratory work, it is economic. The field work
data that will be obtained, will be related with the IKONOS
image data using statistical methods and the distribution of the
water quality in the B.Cekmece lake will be determined
Periodically taken and orthorectified IKONOS images are cut
according to the zones of the catchment areas and the buildings
are digitized with ArcINFO 9.0. Digitized buildings are
transferred with their charecteristics to form the Catchment Area
Information System. With this system the temporal change in
structure can be observed in the catchment areas. Work done in
the desktop environment is going to be transported to ArcGIS
server environment.
Figure 6: The View of The Digitized Building
With this study the catchment areas are protected with field
work supported remote sensing and integrated GIS.