Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 7)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004 
Lands located ones in the continent, in the marine 
coast and in the margins of the rivers and ponds, up to where it 
makes to feel the influence of the tides; 
Lands that outline the located islands in zone where 
she make to feel the influence of the tides. 
Marginal lands are the ones that taken by the 
navigable currents, out of the reach of the tides, they are going 
until the distance of 15 (fifteen) meters measured horizontal 
counted from the medium line of the ordinary inundations. Legislation Aspects 
Those definitions are all under the same legislation, 
and should analyzed as follows: 
Are Immobile goods of the Union, and should attend 
to all the country necessities, even concerning: Alienation of the 
immobile goods of the Union; Immobile goods of the Union; 
Council of lands of the Union; Declaration of the goods; Final 
and transitory dispositions - immobile Goods of the Union; 
Enunciation - Declaration of the goods; Justification of 
ownership of lands devolutas; Navy lands; Use of the immobile 
goods of the Union. 
It is competence of the Service of the Patrimony of the 
Union (SPU) the determination of the position of the lines of the 
high tide medium of the year of 1831 and of the average of the 
ordinary inundations. 
The determination will be made analyzing documents 
and maps of irrefutable authenticity related to the year, or when 
not obtained, to the time that most approaches of the year. 
4.5 Historic of the Culture and Occupation of Sáo 
The occupation of coastal towns of Portuguese 
colonization, always presented a common characteristic. The 
settlers settled in the bottom of bays, where they set up a harbor. 
In front of this harbor, there was always a square. Crossing this 
square, on top of a hill, they built a church with towers that 
could be sighted by the embarkations that entered for any point 
of the bay, so that this sought it served as direction for these 
embarkations. In the square of the Church, they built the House 
of Camera and Chain. Starting from this initial structure, the 
occupation began. 
In agreement with FARIAS (1999)," (...) the 
occupation of the territory of Säo José by the first residents was 
made in a transitory way through the construction of ranches 
with an only piece almost done that entirely with the clubses 
and vegetable fibers for the covering collected in the 
proximities. The man, his animals, tools and equipments solved 
like this their shelter problem. Later, this ' pattern' of clubses 
and sticks would receive the mud covering, serving as support 
for the technique of the wattle and daub and sopapo. ' It has 
began then, the architecture that showed almost equal to the one 
of whole the rest of the colony, who saw one of them, saw all of 
In the middle of the XVIII century (1748-1756), it 
arrived at the Island of Santa Catarina the immigration, 
motivated for the Portuguese Crown, that it intended to 
consolidate the Portuguese domain in the south of Brazil, 
moving away the threat of the Spanish occupation. In 1750, 
approximately 338 people settled in the front continent to the 
Island of Santa Catarina, close to a bay of easy navigation, 
founding the population of Sáo José da Terra Firme. 
The geographical characteristics were then very 
seemed to the ones found there now. They settled in the bottom 
of the bay, where the harbor guaranteed the communications, 
the transport and the trade in embarkations of small load with 
Exile and other communities. Your inhabitants developed the 
farming of cassava subsistence, corn, bean, and sugar cane and 
also to linen and cotton, mainly in the area of Barreiros. The 
interior lands were, then, ignored, that would come to be to 
explored starting from 1787. 
With the permanent fixation to the earth, the people 
sought more comfort in their residences, using comfortable 
differentials. The architecture then based on the slave work and 
your technological level can be characterized as primitive, using 
the mud basically, later bricks and still stone and whitewash. 
The transformation of the district headquarters of Sào 
José in commercial and economical pole along the century XIX 
was partly due to the opening of the road to the plateau. The 
foundation of Sáo Pedro of Alcántara, in 1829, for German and 
national colonists, consolidated the opening of the highway in 
direction to the plateau, and with them the commercial 
transactions between this area and the coast. 
The highways and roads were defined for fences, with 
little or any construction. The streets only existed as union 
among groups of constructions, and these constructions defined 
your limits in width and length. The public roads rarely 
presented any paving type, and the sidewalks would only come 
to be to used later as middle of selection and improvement of 
traffic a long time. 
The population expanded for the area, leaving close to 
of that area the sea, for roads that took to the rural properties 
and the other communities, making possible the people's 
circulation and goods and favoring the fixation along your 
The original square of the municipal district still 
comes without any urbanization in your interior space, just 
beautified. Your dimensions are of 6344 m?, with 52 m of width 
for 110 m of length in the sense sea - church. 
The streets leave of the axis of the square in number 
of six, three in the north sense two in the south sense and one in 
the sense west, serving as vectors of the urban development of 
the headquarters of the municipal district. The originality and 
harmony of this urban structure were broken with the 
embankment and construction of the building of the city hall, 
that it started to impede the vision for the sea and your harbor, 
typical of the Portuguese historical populations, Säo José not 
fleeing to the rule. 
The construction in 1926 of Ponte Hercilio Luz, 
linking the Island of Santa Catarina to the Continent, put an end 
the phase in that Säo José had at your harbor great economical 
importance. The transformation of the means of marine 
transports for terrestrial transformed the city port in city 
highway that nothing retained of the circulation of goods, being 
alone point of passage. 
5.1 Identification of the high tide of 1831; 
To identify of the high tide of 1831, we used the 
acquired material in the Service of Patrimony of the Union - 
SPU, organ legally qualified to determine it previously in 
agreement with the legislation mentioned (Figure 1). SPU 
supplied the map of the restitution accomplished in the year of 
The gathered aerial images and the map of SPU were 
processed so that all could be related to the cadastral map of the 
municipality of 1996. What was possible to make a layer 
disposal of each one of the images to the restitution of the Line 
of the High tide of 1831, and, through these we could confirm 

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