International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004
In Figure (1), the three dimensional input data are divided into
four clusters and the cluster centres are updated via the
competitive learning rule.
The input vector x=[x, x, x, and the weight vector
T .
W;= m Ways Wa ] ; sind
! Pp M for an output unit are generally
assumed to be normalized to unit length. The activation value
* ! of output unit J is then calculated by the inner product of
the input and weight vectors:
s 2 T
y; = S xw, =X W (7)
d 2 - :
Where: w, | = X Wi =] for j= l,..., M . Therefore
we say that neuron j is the winner of competition if:
y «y, forall /,and J] = J.
A simple competitive learning algorithm is composed of the
following steps:
Step I: Initialize all weights to random values and normalize
them (so that |w, =i).
Step 2: Choose pattern vector X from training set (input
Step 3: Compute distance between pattern and weight vectors
(dx, - w| ) and find the weights of the output with the
smallest activation.
Step 4: Update the
w(t +1) = w(t) - (t).(x; — w(t)) (8)
Step 5: Go to step 2
weight vector to:
Here Nn) is monotonically decreasing in each iteration.
More details about the competitive learning method and its
properties can be found in the Hung, Chih-Cheng (1993).
The airborne LIDAR data used in the experimental
investigations have been recorded with TopScan's Airborne
Laser Terrain Mapper system ALTM 1225 (TopScan, 2004).
The data are recorded in a district called Ickern of the city of
Castrop-Rauxel which is located in the west of Germany. The
pixel size of the range images is one meter per pixel. This
reflects the average density of the irregularly recorded 3D
points which is fairly close to one per m2. Intensity images for
the first and last pulse data have been also recorded and the
intention was to use them too in the experimental investigations.
Some first tests with these intensity images have been carried
out but the current achievements have not yet been satisfactory.
Figure (2) shows first- and last- pulse range images from the
Ickern area. The impact of the trees in the first- and last- pulse
images can be easily recognized by comparing the two images
of this figure.
The first step in every clustering process is to extract the feature
image bands. The features of theses feature bands should carry
useful textural or surface related information to differentiate
between regions related to the surface. Several features have
nm. dr dut . as
Figure 2: The first-pulse (above) and
range images.
the last-pulse (below)
been proposed for clustering of range data. Axelsson (1999)
employs the second derivatives to find textural variations and
Maas (1999) utilizes a feature vector including the original
height data, the Laplace operator, maximum slope measures and
others in order to classify the data. An investigation on LIDAR
classification with remote sensing software packages was
presented in Arefi et al, 2003).
In the following experiments we restrict to two types of
- The ratio between first and last pulse range images
- . Top-Hat filtered last pulse range image
The normalized difference of the first and last pulse range
images is used as the major feature band for discrimination of
the vegetation pixels from the others. In analogy to the NDVI
definition in Remote Sensing which is based on Red and NIR
channels «
defined by
where fp
image dat:
Figure |
Figure 3
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figure 3
right reg;
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defined |
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grey sca
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For all