B. Uzun**, O. Demir“, F. Karsli®, M. Atasoy”
*KTU, Engineering and Architecture Faculty, 61080 Trabzon, Turkey
(buzun, osmand, fkarsli, amustafa)
Commission VII, WG VII/4
KEY WORDS: Urban, Digital, Photogrammetry, Method, Land Use
The Urban areas have been growing up and developing like living creatures. Development can be regularly or spontaneously. In
Turkey, municipalities responsible for planned development of urban as the most of countries are in the world. In urban, which will
be categorized in the shape of old and development areas, development plans have been using to direct the development. Planning
process, which is beginning with the determining of the area that can be settlement, has completed with development plan of the
property texture and its transformation into appropriate structuring data. In order to the human being give preference to the
development areas, these areas should be attraction center performing urban social-technique infrastructure linked the development
programs or plans. However, in urban, which has rapidly been growing up than the development plans, the governments have some
difficulties to make urban oriented. For this reason, municipalities have been obliged to observe the spontaneity urban developments
and revise their plan with respect to this development. In case legal or illegal residence settlements can be temporarily observe with
advanced technological methods, technique or financial methods that can early identify and urgent intervene the paradox problems
will be improved by the governments. In this contribution, digital photogrammetric techniques have been introduced to inspect
urban development and to take preventive measures for the problems, therefore in stage of development plan it is possible to follow
and check the problems in time. In observing the urban development, traditional methods have been compared with contemporary
methods (photogrammetric methods) in point of analysis of cost-benefit. An application have been performed based on proposed
method and presented some suggestions.
The cities in turkey can be divided into two parts at the point of
1. INTRODUCTION their improvement and settled areas. There are generally the
legal constructions with infrastructure in the settled areas in
After the 1950'S the migration from rural area to urban area had cities. The improvement areas in the cities are focused in this
been in turkey as it had been in the world. The ration of the paper. There is no infrastructure in these areas and also the
rural population was 7596 at the beginner of the republic. But agricultural use has been continued on these areas. At the same
now the ration of the urban population is 65%. In the 1950°S time, the improvement focus of the cities is not one way about
the population ration in urban area was 27%. The main causes location. There are a lot of directions and places for settlement
of the migration were especially the industrial developing and in cities. The city improvement plan is prepared for determining
the increasing of the road networks possibilities. The reflection the directions and places for settlement and controlling the
of the migration action in the urban places has reached development direction of the cities. But sometimes-undesirable
undesirable situations like, constructions, near the urban areas, development directions at different regions could be in the
without infrastructure and permission. The municipality had not cities (Uzun, 1992). These main causes are given following;
obstructed this improper construction. Because of the classical
comprehension of the municipalities, the planning of the urban The owner is the state in the settlement such as; forest areas,
politic, and the inspection its implements have not been which their property rights are belongs to the state and the
possible in turkey. This understanding has still continued in the parcels, which their registrations have not done yet, etc.
municipalities. But the demand to the cities is increasing
gradually. This migration increase from rural area to urban area The places, which their arrival cost, are very cheap and their
has reached quite big number of the migration rate of the reachable are maximum. The places, which have the public
population. If this migration action had not been controlled, it constructions such as university, hospital, the industrial center
could cause very urgent social and economical problems. In this etc. close by.
study we aimed the development of the cities' orienting and
inspection by using the remote sensing techniques systems The general scene of the Turkish cities is very bad condition
(Larsson, 1997). because of the causes, stated above. The municipalities have not
controlled the undesirable and without planning constructions
near the development settlements in cities in turkey. The main
cause of this is lack of the technological hardware and software
1.1 The Urbanization Shape Of Turkey in the municipalities. In addition to there is no skilled person to
* Corresponding author.